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  1. L

    Quote #409

    "For every dark night, there's a bright day after that, so no matter how hard it gets keep your head up, stick your chest out and handle it." This quote was actually said by Tupac Shakur (not Unknown), from the song Me Against the World.
  2. L

    Anyone know if Tor Scot @ Mississauga is recruiting?

    I've searched all over for a contact # (CF website, the virtual recruiter chat thing, this forum) and haven't been able to find one. I'm going to head down to the armory this weekend.
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    Obama achieves historic U.S. presidential victory

    You do know that in Ontario high school students are required to have 40 hours of community service before they can graduate, right?
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    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    The vids were cool, but seemed a little too Hollywood to me. They might have well as been advertisements for some new modern combat video game. Do the guys who dream about CSOR and JTF2 really need advertisements like these to know that's what they want to aspire to? Will ads like those bring in...
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    Psychology and the Soldier

    I think the media (war movies, etc.) might've brainwashed me when I was a kid.  :rage: :salute: :army: No but seriously, I've always gravitated towards tactics and war for as far back as I can remember. I don't know why.
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    Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

    Super wannabe sniper ninja doorkicking asskicker checking in. How similar is CSOR to the American SOF groups??
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    My current program, after about a two-year hiatus from any intense physical activity is as follows: 5KM RUN @ 70-80% max heartrate (aerobic capacity). 4 minute warmup/cooldown. 2.4KM RUN @ 80-90% max heartrate (anaerobic capacity). 5 minute warmup/cooldown. Sunday: Rest day Monday: 5km @...
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    Ignorant Civies

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    Ignorant Civies

    A collegiate general elective class.
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    Ignorant Civies

    I had to do a presentation on world issues for one of my classes. I chose the War in Afghanistan, specifically the list of facts from Ruxted about the good we've done there. At the beginning of the presentation, before I displayed the facts, I asked, "How many of you think we should be in...