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Search results

  1. Kevin Pascal

    Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator - AES Op: New Recruiting Video

    The link to the AES Op Trade video is an old one and it has been redirected to the front page of The AES Op Lounge site. The video is available there now. The AES Op Lounge is open to everyone. We welcome your questions and will provide answers to your questions as quickly as we can! Kevin
  2. Kevin Pascal

    CF Rank

    There is a wide variety of choices when selecting your trade for both commissioned and non-commissioned entry. I strongly suggest that the young folks joining today do some research and select the right trade for themselves right from the start. I changed trades after 16 years and couldn't be...
  3. Kevin Pascal

    CF Rank

    My hat is off to the younger generation that is filing into the recruiting centers these days. You are choosing a very honorable and rewarding career!
  4. Kevin Pascal

    CDS Military Families Fund

    I was very pleased to see the creation of the Military Families fund. Knowing there are mechanisms in place to provide support to our families that are funded through donations by the Canadian people makes me feel better each time I deploy. I donate to it myself and hope others will see its...
  5. Kevin Pascal

    CF Rank

    21 years service. Recently remustered to AES Op. Currently hold rank of Sgt.
  6. Kevin Pascal

    Join the SkyHawks for the 2008 season

    kincanucks, thank you for taking the time to write your helpful reply but I don't quite understand what you are trying to say. From a post above I read the following: The way I read that paragraph it says I need a Military Freefall Course or Civilian Class A certificate and your CO's approval...
  7. Kevin Pascal

    Bikers son snubbed by Military

    Complaining to the Human Rights commission is certainly anyones right if they feel that their rights have been violated. I have to agree with many others in the thread that have already said that this persons rights were not violated. If he was rejected because of his race, marital status or...
  8. Kevin Pascal

    Join the SkyHawks for the 2008 season

    I am currently an AES Op and love to fly. Sadly I have never taken the time to get my jump wings. If the SkyHawks ever offer a program that would offer/provide interested/desirable applicants a way to get the required qualifications in a timely fashion I would 'jump' at the opportunity. Getting...
  9. Kevin Pascal

    Bikers son snubbed by Military

    I believe that it's quite likely that Hatchet Man hit the nail on the head. The family relationship with an admitted criminal and that persons known affiliation with various criminal elements of our society would, I hope, result in the failure of an enhanced reliability check. While it is sad...