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  1. nihilpavor

    Four horses drive American policy

    I'm just obsessed with Hobbes right now, particularly regarding the arguments based on his work to justify the realist theory in international relations (University can drive you nuts sometimes). I have no problem with your liking of the classical realist theory (it is after all the most simple...
  2. nihilpavor

    Four horses drive American policy

    T2B : Please define 'National Interest' for me. When I look at Japan, the biggest giver of foreign aid on the planet, I see this aid as the biggest tool in the Japanese foreign policy toolbox. This money isn't given away only on the basis of making people feel good, and not even on the basis of...
  3. nihilpavor

    NDP says Canadian military wrote Afghan president's speech

    For some people the goal of our presence in Afg. is only to spread US imperialism. Proofs (according to them) that president Karzai is only an american and canadian muppet strongly reinforces that belief in their minds. We all know that the speach-writer doesn't count for anything, it's the...
  4. nihilpavor

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Nicolas Sarkozy isn't Jacques Chirac by any means! Not even close. He wants action, he wants to undertake big reforms both in internal politics and in foreign politics. In some ways it seems that he wants to generate movement and eventually successes on the foreign front in order to help the...
  5. nihilpavor

    Legendary Vandoos ‘do the job right'

    Indeed. I don't know much any french Quebecois found of  his military history. In this regard, the R22r doesn't ring a bell for many people around here.
  6. nihilpavor

    Canada's purchase of the Leopard 2 MBT

    Most high ranking PLC members from Quebec are. For them, political ends always justify whatever means.
  7. nihilpavor

    Frenetik's Questions [merged]

    Try this link and look for  - ! -  http://www.forces.ca/v3/engraph/jobs/careermatcher_en.aspx?bhcp=1
  8. nihilpavor

    Your Favorite Military Video Game

    I'm more into realistic simulations right now... Silent hunter 3 (sub sim): going fully realistic (without auto ship identification and computer calculated torpedo solutions) it gets really really hard. Combat flight simulator 3: fully realistic again makes it hard/nice, the P47-D feels like a...
  9. nihilpavor

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    John Weir Foote The Reverend John W. Foote was the first member of the Canadian Chaplain Services to be awarded the Victoria Cross. Calmly, through eight hours of gruelling battle, Reverend Foote, Chaplain of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, continually exposed himself to very intense fire to...
  10. nihilpavor

    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Air Force

    Since when does the fog impede sound propagation? I really thought it was the other way around...
  11. nihilpavor

    The German Army

    Mandatory national service could be a good idea, but let me disagree with you on a few points. We work on average 4 to 5 months per year to pay all our taxes. Yup, to receive services like police services, Canadian Forces, Public safety programs, etc. In short, we work hard to pay the salaries...
  12. nihilpavor

    Québec 2007 , results

    All I got to say is wow! Liberals premiers have been autonomists in Quebec for decades, nothing new here... The separatist option is at an almost all time low... People here are finally seeing how the federal government can work differently with harper and the PCC at the helm. I mean heck, every...
  13. nihilpavor

    Making Canada Relevant Again- The Economic Super-Thread

    I hear what you say. What I learned on my mother's knee: French. All religions are bad, Buddhism being the only exceptions. Everybody in Canada and the US living between Vancouver and Toronto are dangerous rednecks, steer clear of them. We, people of Quebec, have been exploited by the English...
  14. nihilpavor

    Vietnam Myths

    You're right to a certain extent on both counts. As I said, the vast majority of them are highly professional and although they tend to promote their own views (half of their job is self-promoting in order to obtain research grants, etc.) they are open to other opinions. As I said, I don't...
  15. nihilpavor

    Vietnam Myths

    Of subject a bit but this made me jump... You sound a little harsh with our political science professors. Completing my pol. sci. degree right now, I think you're giving them a bad rep for no reason. Although I'm in the worst Marxist University of the country, my international relations...
  16. nihilpavor

    Making Canada Relevant Again- The Economic Super-Thread

    Identity to a nationality is usually created with the propagation of stories and myth which in turn tend to lead to nationalism. There are many kind of nationalism but it is nonetheless one of the most dangerous double-edged sword around. It can be a nice tool to shore up a country's spirit, it...
  17. nihilpavor

    Canadian police need more armour & firepower. The CF should not be needed to support.

    The SQ got some muscle with it's GI (groupe d'intervention).
  18. nihilpavor

    Starting IAP JUly 2007 (Some ?'s)

    I have a question about #3... What about people who smile all the time even when unhappy or embarrassed are they in trouble? Smiling while getting yelled at mustn't be well perceived by instructors, isn't it?
  19. nihilpavor

    Quebec's budget 2007

    Being the most highly taxed citizens in the country, Quebecers can do whatever they want to do with the money received. The elected parliament owns that right. Always keep one thing in mind when talking about the fiscal imbalance too: it appeared right after the referendum and it wasn't a...
  20. nihilpavor

    Cpl Christopher Deliva - 5 Svc Bn - 28 May 2007

    R.I.P  :cdn: http://www.cnw.ca/fr/releases/archive/May2007/31/c7371.html