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  1. I

    Update to Hansol's Guide to BMQ ????

    Damnit. I so wish there wasn't a second page to this post I had such a good chuckle on the first one.... shame to see it all get resolved like that. Am I the only one that didn't look into the fitness requirements or course schedule or anything before I went to St. Jean? They shouldn't tell...
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    Ignorant Civies

    First thing to say: the title of this thread would come across as offensive to a civilian browsing the site even though we army people know i only refers to that one in the crowd who makes the stupid remark. Second thing: Neil! I saw the flak you are getting and looked back through all your...
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    CEOTP (Continuing Ed Officer Trg Plan) 2003-2018 [Merged]

    Having gone through the training system with a bunch of CEOTP who got their comission shortly after BOTP, and having a pretty good guess who the OCdt you are talking about is.... lets just say he is well... an anomaly.
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    History's Greatest Army?

    Well you're gonna have to specify 'some' criteria heh otherwise it is entirely subjective. Fighting ability? Land conquered? Strategies? Definetely the Macedonians are up there. Pound for pound the Spartans were the best fighters. Then you have the superb organization and tactics that were the...
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    The life of a new recruit

    Weelllll lets take a step back for a second and assume that here, as is always the case, attitudes and intonation cannot be conveyed properly in text. As a newly comissioned officer it is confusing at first to know if you should be saluted or not, should you salute or not, who, when, how often...
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    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    Flashback to my IAP/BOTP: Guys sleeping on top of their sheets in their PT gear freezing and getting a shitty night sleep. Me in my undies and carefully folded back blankets warm and getting a great night sleep. Funny how guys think saving 5 minutes in the morning is worth getting a shitty...
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    Ignorant Civies

    I've seen good and bad feedback from civies when in uniform. After reading some of the comebacks for the negative feedback I'll share one of my own...not funny but it gets the job done. girl in bar: I don't approve of the military. me: why not? girl: <shrug>I just don't think we need one. me: I...
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    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    The truth of the matter is that the MIR at places like this are so full of people trying to get out of work that the people who are actually injured often times get overlooked. No Matter how hard you train the possiblity of injury still exists. Considering the pressure these schools are under to...