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  1. Stewpid

    Where do you call home?

    Born and Raised in Cape Breton ...now living in exile............. :crybaby:
  2. Stewpid

    Doing it the Dutch way in Afghanistan

    ps.... The Nyala is crap. Some SA(Mamba/Nyala) units are going back to the CASPIR (spelling) a four wheel APC first utilized in the 60s and 70's.
  3. Stewpid

    The German Army

    Just on this one to add to your thought and to say "never will" is a bit naive., dont automatically think there wouldnt be conscription...What about the supplementary reserve list for retired members? If the bubble goes up this list would be activated to release active members to take care of...
  4. Stewpid

    Memories of Germany

    Got of the plane in Germany in 88.....Got off the plane in Ottawa 93 with a hell of a hangover....and they gave me a medal???!!! I wish I could remember half of what happened..... ???
  5. Stewpid

    Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

    That maybe your opinion however to remove the barrel from C6/9 "i find" that i have to climb the weapon, pull the barrel away from the receiver where The MG3 was simply push forward and the barrel came out....my opinion. I am not taking anything away from our robust weapons. As for...
  6. Stewpid

    Signals Personnel

    Joined chicken coop in 86 did all three bns and all but B and C Coy Re treaded to pimply a**e in 1998, 2 CMBG A,B,C and D Tp and 1 RCR Sigs Pl and now in Meaford and retiring in July. 0 de 91A  permission to close down over?
  7. Stewpid

    Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

    MG 3 Quick barrel change is faster than C6 and C9 and it is idiot proof, there is no way that you can get it wrong the barrel goes upside down or right side up, you dont have to stand up over the weapon you can do it from the prone simply push forward barrel pops out, put in new barrel and...
  8. Stewpid

    1, 2, 3 RCR

    I've been in all three other than location not much except at this time "3rd herd" is considered a light infantry battalion (LIB)meaning no LAVs. Light Armoured Vehicles. Now I am sure that there are die hards which will tell you differently.
  9. Stewpid

    Question for those who've seen action.

    Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it. I haven t been in the recent fighting. However In yugo 92,we came under fire from the get go,  by artillery and the first thing i noticed was the every man for himself mentallity that prevailed for the first little while. This...
  10. Stewpid

    Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

    The infantry comradeship, after remustering after serving 13 yrs in the infantry the first thing I notice was the lack of having your buddies backing you no matter what. My favourite weapon would have to be C1 and C2, they were alot more dependable than the C7. I was part of the field eval in...