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Search results

  1. Martino

    WTB - 64 pattern rucksack bag

    As the title says I'm looking for a ruck that will attach to a 64 jump frame, preferably an older style one that has pouches attached.
  2. Martino

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I was actually told the same thing when I got my call, except in my case I was offered a position with the PPCLI. With 2000 infantry positions being cut it wouldn't surprise me if they were assigning the new recruits to certain regiments right off the bat.
  3. Martino

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Charlottetown, PE Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Combat Engineer Trade Choice 2: Infantry Trade Choice 3: Armoured Soldier Application Date: 01 April 2011 First Contact: 01 April 2011 Aptitude completed : 20 April 2011 Medical Completed: 10 May 2011...
  4. Martino

    Election 2011

    The electorate can only vote for their local MP who then interprets their will as best as they can. If the possibility of the Liberals forming a government with the support of other parties is so appalling to the majority of Canadians we'll see them say so with their votes on May 2nd.
  5. Martino

    Election 2011

    http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadavotes2011/story/2011/04/04/cv-election-day10.html The Liberals are offering to fund a 'Canadian GI Bill' that would pay for four years of university for Canadian veterans.
  6. Martino

    Helmets 2 Hardhats [Merged]

    Call me crazy, but I'd rather have a GI Bill equivalent...
  7. Martino

    Bev Oda

    What "stuff"? Responsible government? Oda openly lied to a parliamentary committee, that's contempt regardless of the other charges laid against her.
  8. Martino

    September 2009 BMQ

    I just got the call a few days ago for my second choice of combat engineer (no more infantry slots apparently) and I'll be going to St. Jean for the 28th. It's good to see a few other people on the same course, I was beginning to wonder.
  9. Martino

    New waiting period for people with a criminal record?

    I couldn't find anything about this in any of the other threads about criminal record stuff. Basically, I have a summary conviction on my crimiinal record. The first Captain I spoke to during recruiting said it was a large problem and that I would have to wait three years before I could be OK to...
  10. Martino

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I can't help but feel that any military action against Iran would be a mistake at this point in time. If you look at what happened during the Iran-Iraq war, the Iranian leadership used the deaths of their soldiers to galvanize public support. Creating more 'Martyrs' would only do the same thing...
  11. Martino

    ANA to get C7s? from the Globe and Mail 13 Aug 2007

    This doesn't seem like a very good idea in my opinion. Two different calibers for the ANA could create supply problems, and I can't see the Afghans taking to the C7 too well after getting used to using and being around AK's their entire lives. Not that they couldn't get used to a new assault...