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  1. P

    QL3 Dates for 2008

    Anyone know of the next QL3 dates begining in 2008 Thank you kindly!
  2. P

    "MP's or Provost - An Idea on Roles" and "Replace base MP with RCMP"

    I have look pretty much everywhere to find the answer to this. Does the military police patrol and respond to calls at the PMQs. Not sure but i heard that at some bases they do and some not, anyone know the answer.?
  3. P

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    That would be nice, but being there was one in Sept i didn't figure there would be another one so soon. Thanks law & order keep me posted.
  4. P

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Thanks garb , I appreciate it. If ya hear anything about the next MPAC coming up would you mind spreading the word.
  5. P

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    BPSO said I didn't meet the prerequisite and I was on pat platoon for almost 2years and still waiting for 3s not very entertaining for the mind not to mention I was in a trade that I didn't really want to be in as I was a paramedic prior to enrolment. It happens people get sucked into the...
  6. P

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Unfortunately for me I have missed the September 2007 MPAC as our wounderfull recruiting personal dropped the ball.  I released from the CF purposely to take the police foundations course to qualify as an MP. Does anyone know when the next MPAC is suspected to be. My2cents Contrary to ...