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  1. kayakguyt72

    Interesting phenomenon encountered while rucking

    HoM, I disagree, having served the majority of my career in a line unit, the PT Mod on the PLQ is a wall for us to stand behind.  I understand what you are saying, however, to say that a one week mod now qualifies and individual to run PT has always miffed me.  There are Ptes sitting in our...
  2. kayakguyt72

    Interesting phenomenon encountered while rucking

    Evil, I don't know that HoM was necessarily speaking of some of the support trades.  Lord knows that if we downed tools in many of the support shops, the machine WOULD come to a grinding halt.  (It only took me 15 years to come to that realization!!)  It seems to me that he may be speaking from...
  3. kayakguyt72

    Aching Shins from Running

    A few years ago I experienced a similar phenomenon.  After some investigation and speaking to a physiotherapist friend of mine, I leaned about a different style of running. I can't recall the name, but most of us run heel-toe which puts added stress on our shines.  The rubbing of the muscle...
  4. kayakguyt72

    Interesting phenomenon encountered while rucking

    Well there is clearly a problem here.  To say that Pte so and so isn't qualified to run PT bothers me.  We should be training our young soldiers to use their initiative, afterall they are our future leaders.  So let loose on the reigns and allow them to take small groups out on PT as opposed to...
  5. kayakguyt72

    Tribute Picture

    Sylvia is a huge supporter of the military, I have a number of her prints, including her collection of hockey in Canada works.  I have had the opportunity to meet with her several times and she is very passionate about her work and she goes the distance for the military!!
  6. kayakguyt72

    Help with pull ups

    Even if you aren't using elastics or a gravitron or a lat pull-down for that matter, just going through the motion of a pull-up will improve your ability to do them.  When I first started doing pull-ups a couple of years ago, like many on here I couldn't even do one.  I was told to just keep...
  7. kayakguyt72

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    The approved method of conducting the proper push-up is with the thumbs just under the shoulders.  The best way to improve on your max number of push-ups is to do more push-ups.  Get down during commercials if you are watching tv and crank a few off.  I have found that in the army we have for...
  8. kayakguyt72

    Interesting phenomenon encountered while rucking

    This is a bit of a systemic problem that has been going on for years.  While it is continually hounded on that we need to improve physical fitness across the CF, PT seems to be the first thing that drops off the schedule when something comes up.  Working in a HQ for the moment I have no problem...
  9. kayakguyt72

    TOW Under Armour

    Somehow I doubt it, given all of our TUAs were moved out west and given to the Strathconas, where I might at the TOW platoon is still an infantry element in an armoured realm. As a former TOW Pl Comd and qualified TOW gunner, I can speak to the merits and the limitations of the system.  While...
  10. kayakguyt72

    Jogging vs. Sprinting

    The answer to all of this discussion is Crossfit.  It brings it all together with aerobic and anaerobic exercises, including days where you sprint and other days where a nice slow jog is conducted.  The more variety you do in your workout the more your fitness will develop.  and the exercises...
  11. kayakguyt72

    The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

    I can tell you that if I were to witness someone stealing one of the boxes in front of me it would be all over for that individual :skull:, I would be willing to plead guilty to whatever charge they threw at me as a result of my actions.  I think it's a pretty despicable act!!  I'm sure that my...
  12. kayakguyt72

    Going to CSOR

    Alex22, your family life will be affected a fair deal if you head out to the CSOR.  For your 5-6 month course you will have little contact other than on weekends if you are afforded that time off and following the course you will get a short break and then jump right back into the throws of...
  13. kayakguyt72

    Speech from Throne Highlights: Security

    I was pretty impressed to see the government stance on Afghanistan, it really could have gone either way.  The longer the Harper government remains in parliament, the more I am impressed.  He has yet to back down from any of the parties despite their constant posturing and threats.  The recent...
  14. kayakguyt72

    On Killing

    If you think the books are good, you should here him Col Grossman speak.  I had the opportunity to sit through a PD session with him on the psychology of combat and I was completely engrossed in everything he had to say.  I had read 'On Killing' years before and couldn't put the book down.  I...
  15. kayakguyt72

    The C7 Assault Rifle, M16, & AR15 family (C7A1, C7A2, C7 replacment, and C7 vs M16)

    Thanks MG34, I just spent a bit more time reading up on the C7CT and the SPR variants as you suggested.  It seems to me that a 5.56mm sniper rifle might have merits in certain respects, but I still see it only as a sharp shooting rifle in a conventional context.  Now if we were to step out of...
  16. kayakguyt72

    The C7 Assault Rifle, M16, & AR15 family (C7A1, C7A2, C7 replacment, and C7 vs M16)

    It seems to me that there is quite a bit of chatter on the C7 as a 5.56mm sniper rifle.  The ballistics of the 5.56mm round don't lend well to it being used as an effective sniper rifle, not to mention the lack of stopping power.  However, that being said, the the precision of the C7 with an...