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  1. P

    Operation: Attention

    There are a host of variables friend. Your B vehicle 404's isn't going to help too much I'm afraid. All travel is done in Armoured vehicles. The reason no one knows is the mission is rather "fluid" and ever changing. It's hard to predict day to day much less nine months from now.  Every camp is...
  2. P

    After Afghanistan - What Will Canada Do With Its Army?

    Well thought out reply. As indicated, I'm not talking about emergency operations or peacekeeping, it's our realm. I'm talking about being GD for the Country, as you said we should be if we're not doing soldier stuff. I'm asking how you would like us to go about it. Your lack of any logical...
  3. P

    After Afghanistan - What Will Canada Do With Its Army?

    Cats stuck in trees and responding to MVC's is a fire fighter related duty. Garbage sweeps and routine snow removal in Canadian cities isn't something the army is mandated to do. We've already established we're going to have a reduced training budget after we pull the pin in Afghanistan. Now...
  4. P

    Sailors don't wear CADPAT direction by CANFORGEN

    ::) Just one mans light hearted opinion. No need to sulk. Have a good night.
  5. P

    Sailors don't wear CADPAT direction by CANFORGEN

    Hey dude, I wasn't ragging on ya! I've managed to gather a large belly while keeping my legs and arms skinny. I'm the worst kind of fat, skinny fat. But my wife still manages to lie and say she'd rather have my soft mid section to Jason Stathams hard abs any day.
  6. P

    Sailors don't wear CADPAT direction by CANFORGEN

    I think I've solved the majority of problems people have on this thread: P = Naval Ranks will have to be addressed by their rank, no more excuses if you get the rank wrong. S = Try really hard to remember the naval rank. If you are in the navy and someone get's your rank wrong either ignore it...
  7. P

    Government finds new ways to screw soldiers in the name of saving money: door-to-door move policy

    So you agree with subscribing to a "punish them all" mindset for a few individuals that took advantage of the system rather than punishing the guilty. This shit may seem simple to you my friend. I don't know who to go to, what channels exist for me to find information and no one gives a shit if...
  8. P

    Contingency Cost Move ( CCM )

    I'm in the middle of the process right now too. My COC has been more then helpful with my request (maybe they just want me gone that badly) and am expecting my posting within the week (request was about three weeks ago) Both my current and receiving unit acted on the information quickly. It...
  9. P

    Re-applying / question to infantry soldiers

    I don't know what you're getting at man, 1VP is in Edmonton too. Maybe you mean lot's of people want to be in 3VP before they join the infantry thinking that they'll get to be Johnny Paratrooper for a couple years before becoming a JTF-2 ninjasniper. Then in battle school realize rucksacks are...
  10. P

    Bowe Bergdahl: Missing in AFG 2009, Released 2014, Tried 2015

    No doubt you're correct.  I think all propaganda is a double edged sword, whichever side is distributing it. I also have no doubt that they will exploit recent US scandals regarding treatment of prisoners, and no doubt will some of the left.
  11. P

    Bowe Bergdahl: Missing in AFG 2009, Released 2014, Tried 2015

    It's of massive propaganda value for the Taliban both in their part of the world, and ours. The Taliban look more powerful if they're able to capture a US soldier. Particularly since they make it seem like the overpowered an American soldier on patrol and they weren't able to stop it. Then you...
  12. P

    Tasking in Wainwright

    I just got out of Wainwright. I don't know much about the nightlife as I drove to Calgary on the weekends to see my wife. That said, if you want to get out of town and don't have a ride there is usually a tonne of people leaving to Calgary, Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan or Lloydminster to hitch a...
  13. P

    Photo Identification for PT/CFAT

    Call the recruiter and ask them.
  14. P

    Ottawa Release New Numbers on Wounded- 28 / Dec./ 2008

    I don't know if this is what you're looking for: http://www.parl.gc.ca/39/2/parlbus/commbus/senate/Com-e/defe-e/rep-e/rep12aug08-e.pdf
  15. P

    Sorry for Blowing Up Your Truck

    Makes sense. Apologies
  16. P

    Sorry for Blowing Up Your Truck

    I think MCG was replying to the poster who asked how many vehicles we have. Not commenting on the picture.