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  1. stefwills

    June BMQ- 2009

    Best part about my weekends in Green sector is watching new recruits roll in. I was terrified when I got there, and most people are. My advice is have a very positive attitude and do exactly as you are told, and you won't have many problems. Yes, the PO is going to rip your faces off but its...
  2. stefwills

    BMQ-April 2009

  3. stefwills

    BMQ-April 2009

    Good luck to everyone leaving for BMQ tomorrow, I'll see ya there. :salute:
  4. stefwills

    Does anyone know the actual start dates for basic in St.Jean?

    I would do some searching, this thread could get ugly.
  5. stefwills

    Once all training is complete...

    In regards to you getting soldiering experience. You will get some on BMQ and SQ. I doubt there is any guarantee after that for a clerk. Perhaps you could join as reserve infantry, and do the clerk stuff in a civilian job, just my two cents.
  6. stefwills

    RFT abolished?

    Yes, RFT is now WFT. There ARE certain minimums to make WFT now, and if you don't meet them, you go home :)
  7. stefwills

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    I heard alot of people talking about "Ghost kits" and boots that they only use for inspection. How can you learn the proper discipline if you never have to clean your soap dish, or ever have to shine boots. I am leaving for BMQ in a week or so and I think that doing these things would only make...
  8. stefwills

    BMQ-April 2009

    Firstly, Jmcdona5, Congratulations on your offer, I'll see you at St-Jean, I was stubborn and chose infantry. LukerB, I am by no means a recruiter, so don't take my word as gospel. When I recently component transferred to the regular force, I told my interviewer that I would leave on one day's...
  9. stefwills

    BMQ-April 2009

    Learn to "Hurry up and Wait". Hopefully you get a call this week, don't plan your week around it. In the meantime, keep running and up the push ups, that way when you do get the call, you're set to go. Maybe I'll see you 27Apr. Good luck.
  10. stefwills

    Reserve BMQ/SQ not being accepted to full force?

    My component transfer from Res Combat Engineer to Reg Infantry took roughly 4 months, and that is including my reserve unit forgetting about mailing my file for nearly 2 weeks. I called weekly and probably annoyed a couple people, but it got things rolling. Good luck in the reserves.
  11. stefwills

    BMQ-April 2009

    Don't want to sound rude, it's bean beaten to death already, NO MAY BMQs. More than one person has been told by a CFRC, which is a reliable source. There is a topic regarding "No May BMQs". Good luck though, hopefully you get an offer for April or June.
  12. stefwills

    Reserve BMQ/SQ not being accepted to full force?

    I just finished a component transfer from the reserves to reg force infantry. I was told to qualify for a Recruit School Bypass, I would need to have my Reserve BMQ, SQ, and I think 80 days Class B. Could someone verify this.
  13. stefwills

    BMQ-April 2009

    Congrats, what trade?
  14. stefwills

    June BMQ- 2009

    Army24: I'm from Ottawa, I was scheduled for a 10 Jun ( maybe not exact date but somewhere very close) reserve BMQ. Talk to your training NCO or who ever is in charge of course loading your unit. Don't take this as gospel, but I'm pretty sure there is one. As for a July BMQ, all I can say is...
  15. stefwills

    June BMQ- 2009

    If you are referring to reserve BMQ's in June, it depends where you are. I was scheduled to be on one on 10 Jun before I component transferred to the regs. Where are you in Canada?
  16. stefwills

    BMOQ---how is PT??

    Here's what I'm doing to get ready for BMQ, so BMOQ should be similar. Set a watch timer for 30 minutes and set it so it repeats every 30 minutes. Every time your watch goes off, get down and do 20 push-ups. Start with 20 every 30 mins for the first few days, then up it to 25 and continue until...
  17. stefwills

    BMQ-April 2009

    Hopefully you'll get your call soon. This might be out of topic, but I think it might help. Set a timer on your watch for every 30 minutes, and get down and do 20-25 push ups every 30 minutes. The first few days are torture but you get used to it.
  18. stefwills

    BMQ-April 2009

    You won't get any sort of special treatment, I applied for infantry (PPCLI) and I had to play the waiting game. I don't know how it works, I got my BMQ offer about a week ago for 27 Apr, but people are getting calls today, for BMQ on 20 Apr. I'm stumped, anyone have some insight?
  19. stefwills

    Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

    I know the Regs is full of "Hurry up and Wait" but this time it was more-so my reserve unit taking 3 weeks to get my MPRR in the mail to the DMCA, and recruiters not returning calls. Oh well, it's done now. And from what I've heard, the wait times for reg force infantry are not as bad now. I was...
  20. stefwills

    Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

    Got the offer. BMQ in St-Jean on 27 Apr 09. About time.