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  1. M

    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    I was just responding to the quote where someone had made invalid comparisons and  in my post but if the medics say your good to go as far as your staff in basic training is concerned your good to go. There could have been a number of problems here; 1) Misdiagnosed maybe but if the injury was...
  2. M

    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    Even if you are in the best shape of your life if you injure your ankle then do a couple 5k runs on it a few sprints, jumping jacks and then a 13k march your making that injury worse and worse. Plus comparing when you got hurt as a child to someone getting hurt at 35 is flawed children tend to...
  3. M

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    One thing I thought about was filling the shampoo bottle with body wash (since I will have next to no hair anyways) and only use the bar of soap every once in a while and use real body wash most of the time. I fear just using shampoo as bodywash as reccomended wouldnt work as well.
  4. M

    Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

    Gatto just fit it into your fitness routine if you have access to a pool, once a week its a nice change and one day it may save your life. In my opinion (to those of you that cannot swim) unless someone has hydrophobia they should learn how to swim imagine being a parent take your kid to the...
  5. M

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    Honest question here, I assume you don't wear the same pair of underwear everyday so what do you guys do to achieve these pairs of underwear that never get worn. Keep sets in your personal locker and just go through those?
  6. M

    Feb 2008 BMQ- ALL locations

    For me, I did my interview/cfat/medical on a Friday(the 1st) and I got my call the following Monday morning (the 4th) Keep in mind I had a few things going for me. Artillery was my primary choice, and its on the "hot jobs" list (means they need people) The results of my medical were very good I...
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    Feb 2008 BMQ- ALL locations

    Hey everyone! Received my call yesterday (Feb 4th) going to BMQ for the 18th of Feb flying out of calgary on the 16th. If anyone wants to chat on msn before hand ranolineq@hotmail.com
  8. M

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    UPDATE Recruting Center: Calgary Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Artillery Trade Choice 2: Infantry Trade Choice 3: - Application Date: December 21st, 2008 First Contact: January 12thth, 2008 (did not bring in birth cert and highschool transcripts until jan 22nd birth...