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  1. Kevin Moran


    I  felt the same way in regards to their feelings towards us. During the elections IMHO the UN had a very anti-South African Pro SWAPO stand point. (One of those "SWAPO could do no wrong" ideas) I'm not sure how things are going there now.  I 'd like to go back for a visit though.  I remember...
  2. Kevin Moran


    I was on the second tour in tpt pl. We were a two truck convoy headed up north and east into the caprivi strip.  This was after the elections I think.  Anyway we pulled over beside a convoy of Ratel 20's heading south.  The SADF conscripts were all happy and saying hi to us and waving.  They...
  3. Kevin Moran

    What book are you reading now?

    Phantom Soldier and The Tiger's Way by John Poole.  Great books about how Eastern (Asian mostly) soldiers fight and why. Both are great reads.
  4. Kevin Moran

    CH47 Chinook

    Beenthere, small world eh?  He is retired out in Comox.  Enjoying all that Island living.
  5. Kevin Moran


    I was one of the PPCLI  pers on the the second tour.  Best tour I was ever on. 
  6. Kevin Moran

    CH47 Chinook

    Just 2cents. Think it is great that the Service is getting the Chinook back.  Had a couple of rides in it when in 2VP. My Dad actually flew the first one back from the the States when He was in 450 SQD.  (Not the one that crashed obviously...that was a shitty day..the second one).  He always...
  7. Kevin Moran

    RCMP Seeks "Tactical Armoured Vehicles"

    I wonder if RCMP have considered looking into the AVGP as a possible vehicle?  Maybe even the American Cadillac Gage series of vehicles would be something to look at. Just my opinion
  8. Kevin Moran

    What book are you reading now?

    Apologies, "A" real eye opener
  9. Kevin Moran

    What book are you reading now?

    The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) by Robert Spencer. I real eye opener
  10. Kevin Moran

    Skydex Helmet Pad Kit - LOTS of pictures

    Have you tried EBay?  There are some sellers who are selling a couple of replacement pads pretty cheap
  11. Kevin Moran

    Danner Boots - Personal Observations

    When I was in 2VP we were doing work up training for our tour of Croatia in 1993.  I had bought a pair of the Danner "Fort Lewis" boots at the PX.(the base we were training at was Fort Ord, California).  The day after I bought the boots we did a 10 km forced march.  I took the boots out of the...