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  1. Karl87

    In order to be competetive

    Let me know how it works out , I too would be interested in having at look at this pre-SOBQ fitness guide.
  2. Karl87

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    Anyone got BMQ on the 12th of Jan ? Infantry , PPCLI
  3. Karl87

    Waiting For The Phone Call For BMQ

    Got the call going infantry, BMQ starts on the 12th ;D there is a God
  4. Karl87

    Waiting For The Phone Call For BMQ

    I'm suppose to get a call on Friday, hope your right about the infantry situation.
  5. Karl87

    Waiting For The Phone Call For BMQ

    Just got merit listed also, hopefully I'll get a spot in infantry. Supposedly there aren't many slots open for that at this time.
  6. Karl87

    What is your military status?

    civilian awaiting call for BMQ.
  7. Karl87

    Waiting For The Phone Call For BMQ

    Don't sweat it man I'm waiting on my phone call too.
  8. Karl87

    Cpl. Andrew Grenon, Cpl. Mike Seggie and Pte. Chad Horn - 2 PPCLI - Killed in Kandahar 3 Sep 08- 5 Wounded

    Cpl. Andrew Grenon graduated from the highschool I'm currently at St Joseph's Catholic High School, quite a shock over here.
  9. Karl87

    Question about Canadian air support overseas.

    When Canadian Forces in Afghanistan call for air strikes or medical evacs, do we have our own CF-18's and helicopters stationed there to answer the call or is it done by someone else say the Americans.
  10. Karl87

    Help identifying a reflex sight

    I have gotten my information from various "User Reviews" on firearms sites, I'm not some person who posts to feel special about himself  before he goes to bed so you can drop it. And I'll fill in my profile as you requested.
  11. Karl87

    Help identifying a reflex sight

    I've heard they use the doctor sight alongside the spectreDR because it loses zero between switching from 1x-4x, so they keep the spectre on 4x and use the reflex for short distance shooting.
  12. Karl87

    Weapons modification RANT.

    Is the Elcan SpectreDR scope issued to troops or do they have to buy them, and if they do are they considered "acceptable" and you won't get in shi* for having it?
  13. Karl87

    Educational Requirement for Special Operations

    you misread what I meant, I was merely saying that I'm confident in the fact that I don't require any more educational prerequisites to become a soldier , although I don't blame you for mistaking it for getting into special forces (because there are hundreds cocky and stupid enough to say so).
  14. Karl87

    Educational Requirement for Special Operations

    I'm interested in infantry and would like in the future to apply for special operations , I'm sure I'll be fine for my trade.
  15. Karl87

    Educational Requirement for Special Operations

    thank was quick , thanks alot.
  16. Karl87

    Educational Requirement for Special Operations

    The minimum requirement for an infantry soldier is grade 10 completed , do the more elite units such as CSOR require a higher education ?