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  1. rosales

    Aug 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    no i don't know how i'll be getting there yet but maybe after august 6 i might have a clue because my oath taking is on that date..travelling on a train sounds exciting for me because i have never traveled to a far place before on a train..
  2. rosales

    Aug 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    ye i kinda had a complication while in my application process. i had a problem with my medical so i guess that kinda pulled me down a little but after that it was a straight road with no bumps. if anything i'll give you pointers about bmq  :)..
  3. rosales

    Aug 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    I just received a call today from the recruiting centre telling me that i will be going to BMQ on august 18 leaving on august 17. I started my application process on the month of november. My trade is infantry with the PPCLI. Is there anyone else who will be heading on the same date? Surname...
  4. rosales

    held up on medical

    Thanks fellas. I just hope the best for the results. :salute:
  5. rosales

    held up on medical

    Hi i'm applying for infantry and had done my CFAT. The only problem is i'm stuck on my medical. The doc said i had too much blood on my urine so now i have to see the kidney doctor and wait for the results to be passed on to the army doc. What are the possibilities of me getting turned down for...