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Search results

  1. lynzi

    The girlfriend being weird?

    This is very true. From what I've found, women are automatically sketchy of any guy in the army based on all the stories going around. Besides, if she can't trust you, then get rid of her. Trust is the base of every relationship, army or not. BTW, even though I am female, this is not a "girl...
  2. lynzi

    Moving from BC and looking for secret gems across Canada

    Not true, try downtown Winnipeg If you can go through edmonton, try the West Edmonton mall. It may not be a "beautiful gem", but it's the biggest mall in Canada and has a huge indoor waterpark.
  3. lynzi

    Insurgent Attack Frees Hundreds From Kandahar Prison

    Yeah, i'm real sure that he's actually a soldier ::). No soldier that i know of would say that about the leadership in the canadian forces. I don't see how any part of this incident is because of "poor leadership". The "bad guys" are intelligent too, they aren't dumb. If they were, we would be...
  4. lynzi

    Interview/Medical In a Few Days....Question

    It usually depends on what unit you have in mind. On the application it should have asked you what your first and second choice of units were. Where you are able to go also depends on if you have a letter of recommendation from a specific unit. The letter basically says that they would like to...
  5. lynzi

    Need your thoughts...Air Force Calender

    1. Yes I would 2. Depends on what aircraft are in it, quality, how much info and general layout of the calender itself, but up to and including $30 (It would also be nice if you had the name of the pilot of the aircraft when it was photographed.)
  6. lynzi

    Capt. Leary Killed in Afghanistan - 03 June 2008

    :cdn: I pay my respects to the family of Capt. Leary. Sir, you could have not served your country more honorably. Rest In Peace.  :salute:
  7. lynzi

    Anyone need a baby, cheap? Some BONEHEAD put their baby up for sale on Ebay

    It's disgusting. I agree with S.Stewart, there are some people that should not be allowed to have kids. Period. Poor kid.
  8. lynzi


    I am actually impressed that there is a Party based on these beliefs. Not once have they actually mentioned hard evidence/facts. There are no sources, and every "fact" begins with "reportedly" or "apparently" Grey Aliens?
  9. lynzi


    Oh My God. That's hillarious. That is, by far, the funniest thing I have heard all day. TrexLink, how did you find this article?
  10. lynzi

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    Mushroomhead.. brand new CD I find that there are more guy "b!tches" than there are girl ones...
  11. lynzi

    F-22 or F-35

    I don't understand why the Canadian Government can't do a complete overhaul and upgrade of the F-18 Hornets. It would cost less than getting JSF F-35's if what I'm hearing is correct: 300 million a pop, it's completely ridiculous. Anyways, the F-18's just underwent a systems overhaul a couple...
  12. lynzi

    Annual Army Run (merged)

    I'd love to do it, though I might be in basic this summer and registration is probably limited eh?