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  1. A

    The Red Fridays Foundation of Canada & Repatriation Memorial Rally (May 08): Objections & Praise

    And I thinks its great the rallies you did.But ,its seems you really hate the fact thesae guys raised money for the charity they chose.I just don't see why it bothers you that much.If anything ,it seems to have accomplished two good things on one day. And if i write like Wilkins...maybe its...
  2. A

    The Red Fridays Foundation of Canada & Repatriation Memorial Rally (May 08): Objections & Praise

    Hello..I've spent the last week reading the comments and most of you people dragging these gentlemen through the dirt for having this rally on sat.31st.As someone who has been in afghanistan(civilian) I must ask..what have you complainers done yourselves to help.These guys decided to have a...