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  1. faceman

    Combat Vehicle Crew Helmet

    Only problem with an Armoured Crew Specific Helmet....You'll now be carrying two helmets into battle because as soon as you climb out of the vehicle you'll need to put the normal issued one on...or risk having your head torn off by the RSM or SSM.  Generally this will deter all but the gunner in...
  2. faceman

    Armour Range Qualifications

    Advanced Gunnery is for super switched on MCpl's and above.  We have two variants the 25mm and the MBT (Leopard 105 and 120) versions.  Officers get the qualification in far fewer numbers than NCO's.  When the course is run it will have both NCO's and Officers on the same course, not so uncommon...
  3. faceman

    Future Armour

    This stuff cracks me up.  This reminds me of a paper I read the other day from 2003 about how the MBT was done in Canada...It's really nobody's mistake  in thinking this way.  There was a whole group within and outside the CF that thought this way.  We tend towards passivity in our military...
  4. faceman

    The largest restructure of the Canadian forces ever! open discussion to changes

    yeah sure, how about outsourcing clerks and engineers....eme's who needs them, jus take the damn truck to bob's garage.... ;)
  5. faceman

    Explosions in Toronto

    i live right behind Yorkdale Mall which is just outside the evacuation zone and man was it a crazy night last night.  AT about 4:30 in the morning both my wife and i woke up from literally being shaken in our bed (the little rugrats didn't even get phased from their beds).  The sound was so loud...
  6. faceman

    UFC Stuff - Merged

    great ufc, i thought Heurta would have been able to do more damage to Florian but Brock Lesner was amazing to watch.  He fights like he's boxer/defensive lineman which given his size is awesome.  He actually tried to spear the guy after he smashed his face in..AWESOME!  GSP was on and i think...
  7. faceman

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    okay here's a link, apparently 90% of the worlds leading scientists agree that we are the cause of global warming. http://www.sciam.com/podcast/episode.cfm?id=99FB6D4E-E7F2-99DF-3030E2BDAB849DC5 this isn't crack pot science either, Scientific American is PRIMO science!  Unless you think god put...
  8. faceman

    Deconstructing "Progressive " thought

    Great debate but an important point must be carried in the forefront of such a debate.   Leftist, progressive, conservative are labels and words, and mean nothing beyond their very limited use to describe political positions and political 'movements'.  Often these words mean nothing in the...
  9. faceman

    Aug 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    Hi Everyone DEO Armour August 18 BMOQ Look forward to seeing you all there.  If you're going armour too let me know, i assume we'll be together through to the end of phase IV.  Does anyone know when the start of CAP is after the end of our BMOQ in November?  If not I'll just ask about it at...
  10. faceman

    CBC attempts more anti military spin

    sorry i failed to see where i said that everyone in the cf should be responsible for writing novels....it's PR's responsibility to deal with the general public, and the 'left-leaning' press in Canada will at no time soon change, but good luck in trying all the same.  Perhaps we could get Conrad...
  11. faceman

    CBC attempts more anti military spin

    great topics, i actually saw the piece done on cbc and figured it was just typical journalism.  The point of attack to combat lies and insinuation is not to attack the press but to educate the public.  The press will quickly stop it's sensationalizing of certain topics when the public appetite...
  12. faceman

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Yonge St. , Toronto ;D Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer, DEO Trade Choice 1: Armour Trade Choice 2: Infantry Trade Choice 3: Artillery Application Date: n/a First Contact: April, 2007 Medical June 5, Aptitude June 5, 2008 Interview completed: June 9, 2008 Merit...
  13. faceman

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    If secondary support, for wars is a reason to invade a host country then we should attack russia and china, who supply the weaponry to much of the anti-west middle east, including Iran.  Not many people would say that's a good idea though.  The waters just  get murkier and murkier....
  14. faceman

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Well, we know one thing for sure.  The first to strike Iran should they feel immanently threatened is Israel, and Olmert has said as much.  However Iran would be infinitely more messy than the aftermath of Iraq, also drawing Russia into the play which is perhaps the greatest risk.  Personally...