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  1. LightHammer

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    When is a MP recruit promoted to cpl? I have been hearing mixed responses from many sources. Hamilton CFRC says its after CFMPA and the people at MPAC say its after BMQ. If find it slightly unnerving that I'm not getting the same answer across the board. Does anyone have a solid answer? I have...
  2. LightHammer

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    That even cleared some gray areas up for me. Thanks Garb!  ;)
  3. LightHammer

    Aug 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    Just for a little bit more info I'm leaving out of Hamilton. Its more the hour + stopovers, cramped and crowded seating, uncomfortable seats....I will definitely be taking my own vehicle if they want me to take the train. But from my understanding they will try and fly me out.
  4. LightHammer

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    They really didn't give us much information as to the job description of an MPO. Your best bet is to write down a bunch of questions then go into the recruiting center or call. Thats what I had to do since every time I went in I would forget all the questions I had. Best of luck.
  5. LightHammer

    Aug 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    Heading out on Aug 9th! Now I just need to decide if I want to drive or take the take the train....I hate trains.
  6. LightHammer

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Just got my call this morning! Leaving for BMQ Aug 9.
  7. LightHammer

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    I just got back on Friday....I hope I get called this week! Fingers crossed!
  8. LightHammer

    How are civilians legally requried to address members of the CF

    Yup that pretty much just sums it up. When I first started my application I had no idea how to address the recruiters seeing as I had no idea how the structure worked, and still to this day its still a little muddy.
  9. LightHammer

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Note to self: Stay away from CFB Shilo and Winnipeg HeHe
  10. LightHammer

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Good luck to everyone leaving for the first serial on the 20th. Maybe I'll be seeing some of you at BMQ!!! Thanks to all that gave there advice as well! ;D
  11. LightHammer

    Where do you call home?

    Funny you mentioned that, while I was in college @ Niagara my roommate was from Oshawa and often referred to it as 'The Dirty Shwa' ... Never been there so couldn't say one way or another. Anyways, I'm from in Hamilton, Ont. Born and raised.
  12. LightHammer

    HMS Ontario Found

    Thats intense. I would never have guessed that there were around 500 shipwrecks in Lake Ontario. Informative for sure! :)
  13. LightHammer

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    For those of you that are going, or have gone. Is there anything that can be done to prepare? From what I've read on the other threads everything is kept pretty quiet in regards to what goes on there. Does anyone know how many people they are looking to bring on or is it however many are...
  14. LightHammer

    July 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    From what the recruiter told me at my MPAC orientation those of us that are successful will be attending BMQ in mid to late July! Got my fingers and toes crossed! ;D
  15. LightHammer

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    I'm attending with the 2nd group from the 24th to the 26th