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Search results

  1. S

    Decent Pilot OJTs

    I'm going to continue this topic (knowing that it is old), because I've been looking everywhere for answers to almost your exact original question, and know that it will come up again in the future. I too have to make an OJT selection for this year, and wanted to know which would be the 'best'...
  2. S

    ordering internet to the MEGA

    My mistake; I did mean the postal code. Do you know if there is a way to look it up online if I know the street address of the MEGA? I’ve been looking, but so far have come up with nothing. EDIT:     Reading another thread, and considering the length of my course, I`ve decided to try...
  3. S

    ordering internet to the MEGA

    I'm currently on SLT, and going to start BOTP when I finish my current course. I have confirmed that we are allowed to order internet to our rooms while on SLT, and have heard that the rooms in the blue sector are high-speed capable. After spending many hours on the phone with Bell, I have been...