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  1. Jack Stratton

    Flora MacDonald in Afghanistan (Aid projects)

    I saw some of the piece on CBC. She seemed to have this "crazy" idea that the way to help communties out is not to tell them what they should want but ask them what they need and then find them the training and assist them to get the resources they need to build/develop/achieve the result they...
  2. Jack Stratton

    BC Pipeline Explosion/Bombing

    Absolutely, we are all on the same side here on the fundamentals I want these guys stopped before they do more than cause a leak. My last post (which after hit after this one of yours) was intended to be my last words on this topic except maybe if they catch the perpetrator(s) because the...
  3. Jack Stratton

    BC Pipeline Explosion/Bombing

    I can see we're not going to agree on this exactly so I'll take one more swing at this and then agree to disagree. I guess my point is that context plays a part in defining human activities. A team of politicians playing a charity game are not just hockey players - they are fund raisers and...
  4. Jack Stratton

    BC Pipeline Explosion/Bombing

    I assume you did not intend to double negative that last sentence. My short answer to your three semi-rhetorical questions in order are: no, yes, no. Even that yes is conditional, if IED's are actually really being manufactured through a cottage industry what you have is a non-factory produced...
  5. Jack Stratton

    BC Pipeline Explosion/Bombing

    Excellent point there, it would be very easy based on available information to classify the Taliban as a Terrorist group rather than an insurgency that uses terror tactics. The term insurgent, when applied to a group, usually implies some level of general support in a geopolitical region while...
  6. Jack Stratton

    BC Pipeline Explosion/Bombing

    I agree that there is such a thing as domestic terrorism, and the current events under discussion may fit the description. I am not so naive as to believe that only international groups do terrorism. However, I do assert (as does the law) that some level of organization must be present in the...
  7. Jack Stratton

    BC Pipeline Explosion/Bombing

    I don't say this is absolutely not terrorism, I just said it might not be and I think it is too early to tell. I'll give you a few points that I think point to a local person who is upset with gas activity in affecting their property rather than a terrorist organization targetting Canada's...
  8. Jack Stratton

    BC Pipeline Explosion/Bombing

    In the interests of clarity, do you believe that any criminal who inspires fear is by definition a terrorist? For example drunk drivers can cause serious damage to property, death and distruction and people could be afraid of that. There have been cases of serial rapists in Canada that that have...
  9. Jack Stratton

    BC Pipeline Explosion/Bombing

    Absolutely right - attempting to blow up a sour gas line is a stupid, dangerous, reckless and evil act. I work in the oil patch and I can assure you the devastation from something like this could be amazing. When the perpetrator(s) are caught the important thing is to get them convicted on a...
  10. Jack Stratton

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Pray forget I mentioned it - no one else seems to think a max speed of 20 knots is a concern for EEZ patrolling and I am apparently out of my depth.
  11. Jack Stratton

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Will the MOMT (Musk Ox Management Technician) be a Reg, Res or Civ job? By the way I freely admit to somehow missing the discussion on hull form in the middle of the posts. My error. Still getting another 2.5 knots out of an AOPS compared to the Svalbard is going to take some doing. Cheers
  12. Jack Stratton

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Could be I thought out loud too soon, the more digging I do on the Svalbard class that seems to the the most likley model for AOPS to be deveoped from the more it looks like a neat little ship. Cheers
  13. Jack Stratton

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    My concern is that the specification for AOPS seems to produce a ship that will neither be really good in ice nor have enough legs for effective EEZ patrol capability and to top it off, the list of things AOPS is not allowed to be is very lengthy - using it in a fleet operation would be...
  14. Jack Stratton

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    While the discussion seems to have wondered off into the issues associated with the MCDV. I am wondering why such a minimal spec was developed for the AOPS. If we look at the latest in ice going naval architecture from Finland (Kvaerner) it should be possible using azipod design to develop a...