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  1. PteSteve

    Going hunting.. cadpat?

    haha you hit the nail on the head there bzzliteyr.. and dangerboy thanks for the straight answer!
  2. PteSteve

    Going hunting.. cadpat?

    sorry but to clarify.. im not wondering if cadpat is effective or not.. im wondering if wearing it could get me in any trouble...
  3. PteSteve

    Going hunting.. cadpat?

    Hey guys and gals I have a really dumb question that I just plain dont know the answer to, and everyone seems to tell me the same thing... "i dont know but i dont think there'd be a problem.." My question is, can I wear my cadpat for hunting.. lets say deer or ducks?
  4. PteSteve

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    Got it sorted out. I'm a reserve member doing full time basic training. I've been assigned to 0208E.
  5. PteSteve

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    I'm in the Jan 12th BMQ (part time?) but i'm on the waiting list to switch to full time.. im confused actually. everyone keeps giving me instructions in frenglish and i dont quite understand a lot of it.. all i know is today i get my equipment. cutting it kind of close but i cant complain!
  6. PteSteve


    Oh crap.. I just this minute learned the difference... sorry about that my bad  :-X I guess I could mention that I originally signed up as an officer but decided to change to op, because I dont want a desk job.. many will say that was a brainless move but.. I'd rather be the little guy that...
  7. PteSteve


    Hi everyone! Wow such a great crowd of people here. I'll be attending the January 2009 BMQ (if everything goes right, I've had some bad luck during recruiting). I'm still waiting to get my equipment and such tho, should be really soon. I'm not in artillery though, haha apparantly my vision is...