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  1. B

    What Was/Is Your Biggest Obstacle?

    No, I don't want to run that risk.  Thanks for being blunt about it.  I guess I just needed to hear it being put that way. I would like to say Thank You to all who DO serve this country. 
  2. B

    What Was/Is Your Biggest Obstacle?

    I can handle it  :D But I'm glad to hear your opinions. That's what I'm asking for.  I don't want to waste my time either. But tell me, is it mainly because of my massage treatments that will make me fail the medical or is it because I have difficulty running long distances?  Because that can...
  3. B

    What Was/Is Your Biggest Obstacle?

    Ok. Thanks for your opinion and advice.  I will call the recruiting centre and ask.  Cheers. (but it was only twice a month ;)
  4. B

    What Was/Is Your Biggest Obstacle?

    whoa. I thought the max was like 2.4 km.  that's what I was striving to do.  I read somewhere else on this site that the army is 'hard on the body'.  Do you think that applies to the more combat trades or to all the trades?  I was thinking of going clerk because I thought it would be less...
  5. B

    What Was/Is Your Biggest Obstacle?

    I haven't applied yet, but I'm afraid (after reading some of the other reasons why people have failed the medical) that the fact that I have to see a massage therapist twice a month for my backpain - I will probably be considered unfit.  Anyways, that is my obstacle.  Also, the fact that I can...