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Search results

  1. N

    September 2009 BMOQ !!!

    hello there everyone, i got the call and i'm off to the september bmoq as well!!  i'm Arty, anyone else here going the same route?  a summer bmoq would've definitely been nice, but september is still better than january i reckon.  needless to say, i can't wait and am just killing time by going...
  2. N

    URINE Questions

    yeah same story here...went to my medical, couldn't squeeze out 3 drops so i had empty their water cooler and sit around til i felt that i could go.  i managed to get out enough to wet the test strip (they didnt collect a sample in a cup, i just peed onto the strip directly).  sure enough, there...
  3. N

    any clues on the next MPAC? (im new here)

    Mods, please feel free to close this one down anytime; no further lecturing is necessary and this can only go downhill.  Once again, thank you for your input and goodbye.
  4. N

    any clues on the next MPAC? (im new here)

    Read Ayn Rand?  I'd rather poke my eyes out.  What else do you suggest? Mein Kampf?
  5. N

    any clues on the next MPAC? (im new here)

    ArmyVern: thank you very much for your input;  i'll just stand by and wait as that is all i can do at this point.  thanks! Journeyman: thank you very much for the wanton personal attack based on several lines of written text found in a public internet forum.  :P p.s. even though they included...
  6. N

    any clues on the next MPAC? (im new here)

    nothing eh...ah well.  its a waiting game at this point anyway.  how about a different question: anyone have an idea on how long it may take from the time of successfully completing the mpac to the time a job offer is received?  and, i'm guessing once the offer is made and accepted, i'm off to...
  7. N

    any clues on the next MPAC? (im new here)

    hello everyone i've been skulking around on this forum for a while but since i've decided to dive into the armed forces i have a question.  i have been selected to attend mpac however the closest timeline the captain at the cfrc could give me was around the end of march... i originally applied...