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  1. hanson1636

    August BMQ- 2009

    I'm joining Infantry RCR, I'll be leaving from New Brunswick for the august 3rd bmq start. I would of been leaving Edmonton if it had not been for my move that was already planned when my job offer came in, luckily everything has transferred over smoothly so far.
  2. hanson1636

    August BMQ- 2009

    I recieved a offer today and accepted it. I start BMQ August 3rd.
  3. hanson1636

    June BMQ- 2009

    I wouldn't be surprised if one of your instructors offered to give you a picture of him/her if you don't have a picture of anyone else.
  4. hanson1636

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

      I had to take out my piercings (ears,tounge,nipples). I've never seen my dad so happy. Tounge Ring might not be noticable for some people, mine was definitly not but I would not want to be on the recieving end when instructors happened to notice it. My Tattoos are not a issue and I have full...
  5. hanson1636

    File transfer between CFRCs

    Well I've already completed everything in the application process at the Edmonton Recruiting Center.  I finished the final components just under 2 weeks ago. I'm going to call and talk to my file manager tommorrow about what I should do as I'm heading back east June 11th.
  6. hanson1636

    File transfer between CFRCs

    Thankyou for the info, I have a feeling you just saved me alot of headache.
  7. hanson1636

    File transfer between CFRCs

    Well i'm done everything for my application and now waiting for an offer, I find out when I need to move back east tommorrow and hopefully the move won't mess things up for me.
  8. hanson1636

    File transfer between CFRCs

    Thankyou for the answer, I am scheduled for my interview and medical on Monday and I'll ask about that situation then. I just didnt' want to go in on Monday blind to the situation. And its definitly not just moving across town, that'd be too easy for this, I'm caught up in the Alberta oilfield...
  9. hanson1636

    File transfer between CFRCs

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what happens if someone has to move out of province midway through their application process? Would a new application have to be started or how might this work? I tried searching the forum for anything close to this but couldnt' find anything, any help or...