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  1. DisplacedMaritimer

    NCMSEP Competition 2013 - OT

    Hi All, I put in my file for the NCMSEP OT Competition this year... the files were due in Ottawa on the 22nd, and I'm hoping to hear something before my tuition would be due to the civilian school on August 2nd... anyone else apply for this program? Anybody heard anything yet?
  2. DisplacedMaritimer

    Released Officer re-enrolled NCM

    Awesome, the link that I followed sent me to that main page that gives that blanket statement about QR&O's being replaced and no longer available etc. I'm glad they are still around somewhere.
  3. DisplacedMaritimer

    Released Officer re-enrolled NCM

    If you sign a release agreement, you relinquish all ranks and appointments with the Canadian Forces as a part of that release agreement. Do you have your release papers still? It should all be in there. As for references here is the paragraph as taken from DAOD 5002-6 found here...
  4. DisplacedMaritimer


    I was able to get some more information today that may help others who are looking at processing paperwork. COTP and AVOTP are both closed pending the next CANFORGEN release to re-open the competition. COTP and AVOTP may be combined into one competition at that time, but they are not processing...
  5. DisplacedMaritimer


    Yes I do understand that... but my meeting was in essence "we don't know what is happening, and we aren't going to get back to you on it" ... everything was "wishy washy". I had written out some pretty directed questions about different commissioning plans as well as OT plans... and the future...
  6. DisplacedMaritimer


    Very possible. However it's impossible to see him every month for an update as to whether someone has made a decision as to what/when they will accept applications for what programs. Far easier to ask an open forum of individuals who may know more than I once a decision on the matter has been...
  7. DisplacedMaritimer


    Okay so I've done some searching and I'm looking for some additional information that I can't really find, or is very outdated. I recently visited my PSO here in Gagetown and was inquiring about Int Op and Met Tech as viable OT options. I had just missed the AVOTP closing date at the time. I...
  8. DisplacedMaritimer

    BMQ-April 2009

    That makes sense too... thanks for the clarification. I'm just looking forward to getting started... can't wait for the challenge I'm only slightly nervous, but far more excited.
  9. DisplacedMaritimer

    BMQ-April 2009

    They couldn't possibly process everyone who comes in to start a course in a single day... that's why they have it split into both days of the weekend I'm sure. I have to clean my apartment all day tomorrow... the movers come in Friday and take all my stuff into storage, and then I sleep 1 last...
  10. DisplacedMaritimer

    BMQ-April 2009

    Leaving Edmonton on the 4th at 0630... I'm originally from Halifax, lived out here in Edmonton for the last 3 years though.
  11. DisplacedMaritimer

    BMQ-April 2009

    I'm pretty sure Mosher and I are both on the April 6th Course.
  12. DisplacedMaritimer

    BMQ-April 2009

    Lol it's impossible for me to do right now... It would mean I'd have to go to bed at 9 PM and get up at 3 AM because of my time zone... I'm still working right now (today is my last day here) and I leave for Basic on Saturday... I wish I could prepare for it beforehand haha... I guess getting to...
  13. DisplacedMaritimer

    University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

    2 quick questions on the CFR since it came up in the post, and I've only heard bits and pieces about it before: 1. Does a CFR still require a University Degree? 2. Does a CFR start as a 2Lt? Or are they moved to a rank more fitting of their experience? Or would this be situational? I've always...
  14. DisplacedMaritimer

    Am i ready?

    Thanks much... I read through the spreadsheet which is what I was referring to in my original post... I was wondering if anyone with some personal experience running the 20 MSR can tell me at 3.5 are they even winded, have they seen anyone fail at that point who's target is a 6, and if so what...
  15. DisplacedMaritimer

    Am i ready?

    I'm sure it's a good program and all... but I want to ensure I am ready before I go to BMQ just so I can start right away on my course... I'm not worried about those minimum standards though.. a 6 might still be an achievement for me... but a 3.5 seems like a 3.5 minute very slow jog from one...
  16. DisplacedMaritimer

    Am i ready?

    I guess I can speak from personal experience when I say I am worried about the testing... not so much because I'm out of shape, but because I've never done the actual testing before... I've done as much research as I can, I work out 2 hours a day 5 days a week in the gym preparing for it, but in...
  17. DisplacedMaritimer

    Am i ready?

    No, if you fail the 20 MSR you go directly to WFT. If you are a male under 34 and do not make it to 3.5 or better on the 20 MSR as of April 1st, 2009, you go home. I'm starting BMQ on 6 April, and about 4 times so far the recruiters were very specific with me that as a Male under 34 I must...
  18. DisplacedMaritimer

    BMQ-April 2009

    Looks like you'll be on the same course as me now...
  19. DisplacedMaritimer

    Am i ready?

    No... they'll start counting from 1 again... and if you don't go all the way down they'll just repeat the number you were on until you go all the way down.
  20. DisplacedMaritimer

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I know the feeling... I swear in this Friday, and I leave April 4th... and I've only been waiting a week but it all is crawling by... feels like an eternity.