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  1. A

    Accepted marks at RMC; contract

    I have solid grade 12 grades, however my grade 10 and 11 really arent stellar but i averages 84 percent in grade 12 and participated in sports, volunteering etc how important are the 10 and 11 years thanks in advance
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    # of Accepted ROTP

    Does anybody know the acceptance rate for rmc and civvy u? How many people apply for how many spots??? thanks in advance
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    # of Accepted ROTP

    Why cant you either say something constructive or helpful instead of criticizing how i write on a message board, is that how sad your life really is or are you so anal you were toilet trained at gunpoint?
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    # of Accepted ROTP

    im just curious because i noted in that in the application it asks what your ethnicity is and if you have first nations status, maybe theres a quota or something because there really is no need in knowing someones race unless special consideration was in play
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    # of Accepted ROTP

    i was wondering whether if you are a member of a native tribe or a visible minority (black, asian etc), would you have a higher chance of succeding in your rotp application if you posses average marks and extra curriculars any answer will be appreciated