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  1. Jaye_k

    September 2009 BMQ

    Yeah thats the same stuff my dad told me, not first not last never the hero and never be the best lol. I dunno the pt thing is gunna be killer for me at first but i'll get used to it im not horribly out of shape... and whats the worst that can happen? Send me home to my parents who are both...
  2. Jaye_k

    Sonar Tech, worth my time?

  3. Jaye_k

    Sonar Tech, worth my time?

    I Applied for this trade, im very satisfied with the information i've been given but i want to know how often are you at sea. Im almost 20 and i just want a sence of how often i could possibly be away? And do alot of you have have familys/ is it hard on them? ( Both my parents are in but thier...
  4. Jaye_k

    September 2009 BMQ

    I start my Bmq Sept 27th (well 28th) in Quebec till Jan 22nd! Hopefully when all is said and done i'll Be a Sonar Op!