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  1. Belaj

    What is the difference between brigades?

    Wikipedia is your friend : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_infantry#Light_infantry_today http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_organization
  2. Belaj

    Dental Coverage

    Yes, I can personally confirm that. Great-West will cover 50%, max 1700$ (?) per year, lifetime max of 2500$. Note that the class A coverage has a few requirements (such as time in). Contact your Orderly Room, they'll have the details.
  3. Belaj

    Pay deduction for tour kit not returned...

    Valcartier's clothing store is open every other Tuesday evening. I would assume other bases have a similar arrangement.
  4. Belaj

    Pyrotechnics - Smoke Pot Hazards

    Another piece of info: I spoke with my Lt yesterday (who was also leading the attack during the incident) and he told me no one informed him about any smoke pot restrictions or precautions for HC smoke. Thanks ammocat. I asked for a NSN and that was the number I was given... I'll forward your...
  5. Belaj

    Pyrotechnics - Smoke Pot Hazards

    As far as I know, it was the 15 min white/gray smoke pot. I posted the NSN above.
  6. Belaj

    Pyrotechnics - Smoke Pot Hazards

    Thanks recceguy. I had saved a long-winded reply, but seeing how the topic derailed, I’m not sure if I should revisit all the (deleted) comments. At the very least, I think I should explain the context a bit more: House-clearing exercise, on top of a hill, with c-cans, concrete walls, cliffs...
  7. Belaj

    Pyrotechnics - Smoke Pot Hazards

    This is the info I was given : series 1550, NSN 1365-4505. Can anyone confirm this is the HC version? All troops had their FFO, although I'm pretty sure not everyone was issued a gas mask. It's also safe to assume that some troops don't have a filter. My own filter is over 5 years old (it was...
  8. Belaj

    Army Summer Program

    I was gonna post those numbers, but you beat me to it  :) I'll just add that as a student with no other source of income, you'll most likely fall below the tax limit and will get to keep most of it.
  9. Belaj

    Pyrotechnics - Smoke Pot Hazards

    I handled the smoke pot after the fact; I tried to get some info off it, but it was burned & covered with dust. It was definitely taller than 6 inches; 12.25 x 8 sounds right. I already thought about getting the NSN; I'll make a request for it tomorrow evening. I searched for...
  10. Belaj

    Pyrotechnics - Smoke Pot Hazards

    It was white smoke. I believe it was the 15 min smoke pot, although it could have been the 5 min one. In any case, it was at its peak when I walked by it; I literally couldn't see the guy in front of me (had to keep my arm on him).
  11. Belaj

    Pyrotechnics - Smoke Pot Hazards

    B-GL-381-001-TS-000(CH9) Well, that will make for an interesting incident report. It looks like B-GL-361-008-FP-003 has some pertinent info on the smoke pot, but when I open it, all I get is a PDF with the line "Document not found". I'll see tomorrow if it works on the DWAN. Thanks AmmoTech...
  12. Belaj

    Army Summer Program

    To elaborate on the above post, it's a (part-time) job, not a "summer camp". Besides the training during the summer, you will be required to participate in various weekend exercises during the rest of the year. A part-time career in the Reserve Force can be very gratifying and fun! Some parts of...
  13. Belaj

    Pyrotechnics - Smoke Pot Hazards

    At our last exercise, I, as well as many troops, suffered through an extraordinarily bad smoke pot placement. After inhaling smoke that felt like it took a few years off my life, I’m now looking for a reference on this particular piece of equipment (specifically, usage warnings). Being a...
  14. Belaj

    Navistar awarded 1300 truck contract

    The cargo ML, yeah (even when the power-steering doesn't work right). But the SEV is a different story. The first time I drove one, I missed half my turns, even when I used two lanes! :-[ That makes sense actually (we're getting our cargo variants in advance of schedule).
  15. Belaj

    Navistar awarded 1300 truck contract

    That piece of info was given during CO’s call by the Tpt Sgt, so I find it credible. But I see your point; it could be a case of the telephone game and the real reason for the delay could be different. We’ll have to wait and see. Hopefully it won’t take too long (all our MLs are gone). On a...
  16. Belaj

    Navistar awarded 1300 truck contract

    I learned today from my Transport sergeant that the engineer SEVs are being delayed. The reason: they break in half because they’re too heavy. You'd think the people in charge would have used the lessons learned from previous projects. But hey, the more things change...