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  1. Lando

    August 2010 BMQ

    I believe 1 is provided but bring one of your own for swimming on your own personal time.
  2. Lando

    August 2010 BMQ

    And to add to that... Stoked as hell.
  3. Lando

    August 2010 BMQ

    From Port Moody bro
  4. Lando

    August 2010 BMQ

    Just noticed i wrote again not  ago lol. Hmm, I'll look into that right now... Infantry eh, Where you hail from?
  5. Lando

    3 Years and what $ do you got to show for it...

    Well I plan on living on base (Shacks don't bother me :P) and I only plan on buying a vehicle when I'm done my 3 years. And I'm not a big drinker. So in theory I should be able to save... I have set my goals and have roughly calculated how much I need to put away and what not but i defiantly...
  6. Lando

    3 Years and what $ do you got to show for it...

    Hey Guys... I'm about to go off to BMQ and I was curious about how much money you guys ended up being able to save after your only/first 3 years in the Forces. I know we all talk about saving and keeping the cost of beer and strippers down but... How much did you really end up with after all...
  7. Lando

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Good on you bro... Keep hope. I was starting to think I'd have to wait till next April. Hell i thought it was a joke phone call!  ;D
  8. Lando

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Well I did alright on my CFAT but Aced everything else and my interviewer loved me... But I'd say pure luck :P Now I just gotta make sure that I make the best of my opportunity and not waist a spot that could have been given to someone else.
  9. Lando

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Update: Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Soldier Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: Sept 21, 2009 First Contact: Oct 14, 2009 CFAT: Oct 27, 2009 Medical: Oct 28, 2009 Interview: Mar 31, 2010 Merit Listed: Mar 31...
  10. Lando

    August 2010 BMQ

    I got my call few hours again! Aug 23rd - Infantry Soldier  :salute:
  11. Lando

    Interview advice (merged)

    As we are required not to tell you the questions they asked... I can tell you that i found it very helpful to fill this out and memorize it. http://www.metisnation.ca/Aboriginal_Employment/pdfs/Interview_preparing.pdf Dress Nice, Look even better.
  12. Lando

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Soldier Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: Sept 21, 2009 First Contact: Oct 14, 2009 CFAT: Oct 27, 2009 Medical: Oct 28, 2009 Interview: Mar 31, 2010 Merit Listed: Mar 31, 2010...
  13. Lando

    References Superthread [Merged]

    In my experience 5 Years is what they want, They'll say one thing and want another. I used all Personal but all 5 knew me for 10+ Years.
  14. Lando

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    I don't know to much about all that but i do in fact know that when you have the surgery they want you to rest for 3 Months. Basically they don't want you as a risk during those 3 Months... The time while the flap heals over. I have to wait 3 Months before i can continue on with my recruitment.
  15. Lando

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    Antoine, I myself went with LASIK MD and so far their great! (Don't expect to pay the $450 a eye...) My long-time optometrist recommended Pacific Laser Eye Centre and iv heard alright things about Lasik Eye Centers
  16. Lando

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    I had that happen to me but then i had a consultation at the actual Laser Surgery Clinic and they were able to give me an accurate/in depth look at my eyes. I had the choice of LASIK or PRK and i went LASIK just for the sheer fact of that the healing process is faster. Either way is great and...
  17. Lando


    Decent! :nod:, Nothing better then roofing in November then joining the Army in January. You'll be immune to all cold  :salute:
  18. Lando

    Drug Testing during Reserve interview for a co-op

    kratz put it the best... But yeah, Sure you could keep it from them and lets say they don't test you and you get into BMQ without anyone knowing the wiser... Do you really think it will help you? sure once isn't that bad but how do I or your fellow Forces Members know if its just a one time...
  19. Lando


    I'v got a few months and iv decided to keep my job for as long as i can. It just helps with everything if you don't feel like working then don't. But it cant hurt. Just find a easy Part-Time Job.
  20. Lando

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    Hmm, I have my Lasik in a couple of weeks and i can't wait. No worries what so ever... V1 will feel alot better then V4 :P