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  1. H


    About the danger, how dangerous it is to be in a non-combat jobs vs a combat jobs?
  2. H


    Well, I'm sorry. It's obvious that I have miss something. I was just trying to help with the information I had. That's probably why we will have to keep our mouth shut and ears open during that course.
  3. H


    I'm a guy, looks like I'm not the only one.
  4. H


    I did not, but in this case they are instructor and not taliban, so that's point less.
  5. H


    "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."     Eleanor Roosevelt
  6. H

    Processus d'enrôlement - Durée

    Je dirais que le délai d'enrôlement varie beaucoup tout dépendant si c'est comme soldat ou officier qu'on fait l'enrôlement. Officier il n'y a que des cours en Janvier et Septembre. Donc s'il n'y a plus de place en janvier, votre dossier vient d'être repousser en septembre. C'est ce qui est...
  7. H


    Hi, I myself don't like heights at all, but I have done some rock climbing in the past. It's good in life to overcome our fears. I think this basic class is there for that, and as a team with good technic we should be good to do lot more then we though we was able to do at first. If you are...
  8. H


    Well, same here in Québec, +40C to -40C, but I really dislike +40C. I'm the type of guy who keep my inside house at 22C with a cooling system. I think I prefer the cold, at least you can put more clothes on if needed. But when it's hot, it comes to a point where you can't remove any more. And...
  9. H


    Well, I run when it's not too hot. I'm going to BMOQ in September, so I guess it won't be 30C. I don't like the heat at all. I would much prefer to go in Alaska then Afghanistan. Since I'm going to be a logistic officer I guess BMOQ will be the most intensive physical training. So, well, I try...
  10. H

    BMQ September 2010

    No, I'm not, sorry for the confusion, I'm from Québec and I will be on the French class I guess. Not sure you will appreciate my French accent :P
  11. H


    I have run an 8km in 42 minutes 2 days ago, and it was much easier that I expected. In fact, it's the first, well 2km that is the worst, after that it become easier. After it, I have run a 400meter in 1:35 so I was having plenty of energy left. I just hope it will continue to keep getting better.
  12. H

    BMQ September 2010

    "From Winnipeg cant wait to see you guy's/ girl's their, Ill be the young guy getting yelled at :)" I'm really looking forward to see other people too, I'm really tired to be alone all day, training alone, etc. Working around as a team will be wonderfull. All dress in green, trying to survive...
  13. H


    Well, on my side I have no problem with strength. I can do 14 chin up, plenty of push up and sit up. But I think I have focused more on the upper body strength. So now I have added lot of legs exercises on my training, so I hope it will help with running. (Leg press, dead lift, lunge, squat...
  14. H


    Well, I'm going for Log Officer, but that's not a reason to be out of shape. I just want to know what to expect. I train since 3 months now, I'm in a much better shape now, but still, running it's not my cup of tea ;) But more I do, easier it gets.
  15. H


    @Spectrum I swim often and since many years, and I never did a single infection and I don't use ear plug. But I know that speedo make some, but I never try any. About BMQ, what are the longuest PT run we will do? And do we run with all our kit in the army boots?
  16. H


    like today, I did 100 X 25 meter in the pool, 2,4km run, + gym. I do everything I can to be in shape. But for me it's much easier to do 2500 meter in a pool then to run it... When I run I over heat, in the pool I feel confortable. But yes, my cardio is great, I will just try to push a bit harder...
  17. H


    Well to be fit and to run it's two thing. Like in my case, I start to be in really good shape, but I still have problems with running. I can do 600meter in the pool just under 10 minutes 30 secondes (without much effort) but I still find it really hard to run 2.4km in 12 minutes. Not sure why.
  18. H

    BMQ September 2010

    Mine start on sept 6, and it's BMOQ. There is a topic for the BMOQ on sept 6 here, just check it, I'm not alone. Here it is: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/93076.0.html
  19. H

    Training started today!

    Well, I'm a little less then 6 weeks from BMOQ now. I'm pretty happy with my shape. I'm still not a really good runner, I'm still new to run, but I have increased a lot. My cardio start to be really good. In the pool I can do 600meter (24*25m) just under 10:30. For the shuttle run I'm fine, I...
  20. H

    BMQ September 2010

    Starting 6th september as a Log Officer. I guess I will have to leave on 4th, but I have not received my instruction yet.