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  1. N

    General PAT information

    Not sure if you're still looking for an answer or not, but if you are, I can help a bit. I just finished my POET back in July, and every member of my POET class that was single AND living in barracks, was posted out for PAT. The 4 members that were living out (with proper authorization) are...
  2. N

    March 2010 - BMQ - All Locations

    Just wondering if anyone had any insight on this... When I first looked at the following site after I got my call, there were 3 platoons listed for a March 15th BMQ start. Now there's only 1. Any idea as to why? R0329E (R37)  March 15, 2010  June 17, 2010...
  3. N

    March 2010 - BMQ - All Locations

    From Niagara Falls also... but starting March 15th  ;) ATIS Tech
  4. N

    Feb/March BMQ 2010

    I'll be there! Just got the call today much to my and my file manager's surprise! Swearing in Feb 12 in Hamilton.  :D ATIS Tech
  5. N

    CFAT cancelled Jan 13, 2010

    I am merit listed, but as my trade has apparently closed up, I will hear nothing until after April 1, as others have mentioned here. My trade was in high demand (ATIS tech) when I applied, but due to needing to be tested for allergies, I had a rather large delay (damn doctors) in my app...