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  1. T


    Hey everyone! First off, I would like to say this website is like an extended blog from my experiences in the recruiting process and beyond and could be different for someone else. The website will be my opinions and no one else's. It's just nice reading someone's experience, as I did before I...
  2. T

    Post your desktop wallpaper!

  3. T


    Small update. As I have been planning the website (what content will be in it, the layout, how it will look like), I've decided to change directions a bit. Instead of having a website with information on the process on becoming a member, information while you're a member and medical questions...
  4. T


    No doubt lol
  5. T


    I'll be giving all the information needed to do well in the application process and what to expect, and of course common, important questions which will be answered with correct information. It's not what I agree with, it's what the CF believes in and their rules and policies.
  6. T


    Thanks Crooks A, I'll keep you posted. 48th regulator, yes lol It's not an impossible thing to do. It's quite easy actually. It will take some time and some hard research, but it can and will be done. And Armyrick, I understand where you are coming from, but I assure you that all the...
  7. T


    Haha thanks. I'll be paying monthly for the hosting which is only $3.99/month.
  8. T


    It wont be open sourced because people can easily put wrong information. It will all be researched before it is posted. People will be able to send me questions and the answer with references which I will review and if it`s appropriate, post it. The site will also continue to grow with new...
  9. T


    Yes that`s exactly what the site will be. And for sure I will make it very clear that it`s an unofficial forces website with the Forces and the Canadian government NOT associated with it.
  10. T


    Thanks a lot Mike. So I'm just going to clarify some questions. Yes, I'm only in the recruiting stage and I do not  have the right to make a website containing my original answers since I'm not yet a member and might not have the correct answers. But, I do have the right to create a website...
  11. T


    lol It's alright  ;D Just going to focus on getting it up. That's what he/she said.
  12. T


    This site won't be my personal answers. What I'm doing is taking information from different resources and putting it all together into one place where it will be easy to find the answers you are looking for. I will be referencing all the information so you know that I didn't just type it up.
  13. T


    Laziness has taken over, we must accommodate.
  14. T


    I agree that the 2 sites put together answer most if not all the questions, but to get answers on this forum, you need to dig deep to find the answers you need most of the times. I've had questions and it took my a while to find a thread that answered it. This site will be easy to navigate and...
  15. T


    Hey guys. I'm in the planning stages of creating knowtheforces.ca. This site will be an information site for people interested in joining the CF, parents looking for information and for the general population to learn about the CF and what it takes to get in. A lot of people are interested in...
  16. T

    Id number when taking Apt test

    Ah thank you so much.
  17. T

    Id number when taking Apt test

    I took my Apt test in April of this year and before we started it, the recruiting officer gave us ID numbers which he said will be our numbers throughout our CF career, even if we apply again in 20 years, it will be our ID number. What is this number called? I want to ask my recruitment centre...
  18. T

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Congratulations! You must be stoked! Happy for you. I totally believe waiting is worth it. I just got hired for a job in security, so waiting won't be that hard. It gives me even more time to get in better shape and more life experience.
  19. T

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Got a call from my recruiting center and she said my application is all good and now she told me that all my choices (Crewman, Artillery and Infantry) are still closed and Infantry will be closed until April 2011. She said Crewman and Artillery may open in 3 or 4 months. So the waiting...
  20. T

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Hey! Congratulations bro. I was merit listed on May 6th for Armoured  :blotto: but it's kind of weird....my references haven't been contacted  ??? Were you ever merit listed? Or ever told that you were?