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  1. A

    Acting lacking MCpl in charge of a section with qualified MCpl's

    FYI, this was an entirely theoretical discussion. I remember someone pulled this card on deployment (this guy cant be my supervisor because he dosn't have PLQ) and its where I originally heard the topic, and it came up in the shop. I always thought it to be true but now digging into it I can't...
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    Acting lacking MCpl in charge of a section with qualified MCpl's

    However, if the Wo said, random Cpl is the supervisor and the Sgt reports to him. Im sure there would be a legitimate complaint. So, where does a AL/MCpl and a substantive MCpl fall into this if at all EDIT: im thinking it don't btw, MCpl wise, I always thought it did but more I read into it...
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    Acting lacking MCpl in charge of a section with qualified MCpl's

    (3) Master corporals have seniority among themselves in their order of seniority as corporals. Where I am/was having issues is basically I know: MCpl > Corporal But, im not really sure if  MCpl substantive > MCpl Acting lacking. Im starting to think its MCpl with more corporal time >...
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    Acting lacking MCpl in charge of a section with qualified MCpl's

    Digging around in that QR&O im seeing this (1) Officers and non-commissioned members who hold acting rank have no seniority in that rank. They have seniority among themselves in their order of seniority in their substantive rank. So im reading this as an acting lacking MCpl has less seniority...
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    Acting lacking MCpl in charge of a section with qualified MCpl's

    Thank you kindly, I DID use the search but i didn't see those. Im a read the shit out of those topics and come back :)
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    Acting lacking MCpl in charge of a section with qualified MCpl's

    Hello Army.ca <flame shield up> I thought I saw a regulation that said an acting lacking MCpl should not be put in charge of other MCpl's who are PLQ qualified. It is the topic of discussion right now with the boys and now im not sure if its something I dreamed while on a peyote trip.
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    Travel on weekend leave

    after i pour through the station SOP's on monday im defiantly going to challenge it. If they are going to be pricks im going to make them back it up
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    Travel on weekend leave

    Im not 100% but it was along the lines of member needs to take better care of his personal administration to advance to the next rank level but it wasn't a normal quarterly PER it was a you screwed up heres your first warning PER,
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    Travel on weekend leave

    So more details... I realize that alot of you older army guys are going to tell me to pound salt. Its not even like im getting punished but I received a PER/PDR what ever it is specifically to point out im screwing up because of this incident. If this effects my career in anyway im going...
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    Travel on weekend leave

    I didn't consider that. I will hit the books.
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    Travel on weekend leave

    Backstory: [REG force] Me and my wife broke down while out of town while on weekend leave. Informed the chain of command of the fact and now im being criticised for being out of area without a leave pass on a official evaluation. I don't accept the critisism because I do not believe that is...
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    Wearing gloves with touque mandatory

    I agree that it might look silly, But, toque, coat no gloves... are you out of dress?
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    Wearing gloves with touque mandatory

    There is a policy locally that gloves are mandatory if you are wearing a winter headdress Is this policy written down anywhere? is this perhaps a CAF policy in a canforgen? I am having trouble finding it in the CF Dress instructions. I swear I read this somewhere and didn't think it was a unit...
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    Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

    Im just going to forget about it because its over and done with for the most part. and to make things more clear for that gentlemen crusifying me "Booking of ranges, First Aid Crses, Dental Appts, and other classes are not made easily.  If they are booked on a day that you may have "off"...
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    Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

    they usally get everyone to drive to work and then take vans from there so they don't have to pay everyone for the kilometers. Im only bitching because they would never make a day shift worker come in on a saturday or sunday to do extra training but when its a shift worker its like suck it up...
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    Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

        The situation is: Im a shift worker, and I work 7 on 4 off usally. anyways, in previous years it has been no problem for me to book my yearly things to be green such as dental and c7 ranges and what not durring a normal working day. this year, my sgt/WO has made it so I do first aid...