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  1. Sticktoyourguns


    Hey guys, I'm on course right now from Borden (on a hard earned weekend leave). a few suggestions, get in shape! you have no excuse to not be in great shape when you get there since you know what's coming. Don't forget your legs are an important part of fitness and give them a good workout. Run...
  2. Sticktoyourguns

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    I was told that I am to report to the base no later than sunday 10 A.M, but was planning to arrive the day before as it is allowed and I believe the more time I take to settle in will have me more prepared the following morning. and since it will be a very big change in my life, the less topsy...
  3. Sticktoyourguns

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    I won't lie, I have a touch of nerves thinking about BMQ. But unlike past instances where I was awaiting a big change, it's 20% nerves and 80% very excited. I suppose just knowing how challenging, different, and fast-paced Basic will be has me excited to see just how far I can be pushed. Am I...
  4. Sticktoyourguns

    Finally got "The Call" and my Enrolement story

    I was only teasing him anyways. The point he was trying to make is a valid one. Communication is key, and for it to work well, it must be clearly constructed, specifically when writing, where one cannot view the speaker for non-verbal cues and conveyed emotion.
  5. Sticktoyourguns

    Finally got "The Call" and my Enrolement story

    Then perhaps you should have quoted to whom you are referring, the OP or someone in between. :P In regards to Lasik, to get it done with top technology (which is all I would strongly encourage using as it is your eyes and you only get one pair per life), It's about $2200 per eye, but it...
  6. Sticktoyourguns

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    I was instructed at the time of my offer to go to the CFLRS website and print those instructions. I think the most important thing to remember is that BMQ is the same accross the whole Canadian Forces. Personally, having compared the two side by side, the only difference I find between the...
  7. Sticktoyourguns

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    I was just as confused by you on this. The way I see it, the CFLRS St-Jean instructions are more useful for what the course intails specifically, as well as what to bring. The Borden "Naval Reserve" Instructions serve as directions to get there. I just wonder if, Borden being further away, the...
  8. Sticktoyourguns

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    Joined as well. Good stuff Sixfish.
  9. Sticktoyourguns

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    Glad to hear it! Look forward to training with you. PM me your info if you want so we can start a Sept 7th Borden  BMQ link up!
  10. Sticktoyourguns

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    Hey Pokiey look forward to training with you! P.M me your info so  I can add you to FB. I'll also refer you to Sixfish who is likewise joining us!  :camo:
  11. Sticktoyourguns

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    Drinking is nothing new to me, the novelty of getting smashed has long since warn off. I enjoy a couple of drinks when I go out, but nothing crazy (usually). I'm sure you and I aren't the only ones. :nod:
  12. Sticktoyourguns

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    Hey Sixfish I'm doing Borden sept 7th also. Let's hope we get the same Platoon (I've heard there aren't many rolling at the same time at Borden, so chances of that are high) Look forward to meeting you!
  13. Sticktoyourguns

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: CFRC Montréal Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: NCI OPS Trade Choice 2: N/A Trade Choice 3: N/A Application Date: March 10/2009 CFAT:March 12/2009 Interview: 03/2010 Medical: 01/2010 References Contacted: Yes Backcheck: Complete Position offered: April...
  14. Sticktoyourguns

    Finally got "The Call" and my Enrolement story

        So I got my call today. I've been lurking the forums since I first dropped off my application, but was always reserved in posting as I never felt I had anything of substance to submit, and also learned from the very same lurking sessions that keeping your mouth shut a lot in the beginning is...