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  1. SigO

    Video Allegedly Shows U.S. Soldiers Shooting Dead Civilians in Iraq

    I appreciate your difference of opinion, and acknowledge that there is a danger in drawing too much from a video.  As I said, my post was a response to someone who had suggested that the chain of command should blindly support these individuals without question, and that no investigation should...
  2. SigO

    16 U of Regina Professors Oppose Scholarships for Surviving Dependants

    I suppose that depends on the educational institution.  Critical thinking is key to success in many quality Arts programs, where argument must be developed independently.  In the Sciences, I can agree that a degree is at least in part based on regurgitation, but there is also emphasis on...
  3. SigO

    Video Allegedly Shows U.S. Soldiers Shooting Dead Civilians in Iraq

    And a type used by more non-combatants.  Still not a legitimate military target unless it poses a direct threat.  The responsibility is on the engaging force to determine that a vehicle poses a legitimate military threat. I didn't see a 25mm Bushmaster on the Bongo.  By your logic, every...
  4. SigO

    16 U of Regina Professors Oppose Scholarships for Surviving Dependants

    The beauty of post-secondary education is that it encourages critical thinking, i.e. questioning ideas, even if they come from highly educated people.  I would argue that any student who agrees with these 16 individuals is clearly mis-guided, but unfortunately there is no law against subjecting...
  5. SigO

    Video Allegedly Shows U.S. Soldiers Shooting Dead Civilians in Iraq

    Interesting.  Regardless of the results of whatever inquiry into this event was conducted, I believe that we have a professional responsibility to at least investigate.  If this were a Canadian incident there is no doubt that the chain of command would ask questions (as they do in all such...
  6. SigO

    Video Allegedly Shows U.S. Soldiers Shooting Dead Civilians in Iraq

    The mis-use of ambulances by one group is no license to negate our responsibilities as soldiers under the Geneva Convention (which you quote, so I assume some level of familiarity with the document).  To agree whole-heartedly with others in this thread, the first engagement can certainly be...
  7. SigO

    Killing Canadians 'best way': student

    It's interesting to see the comments on this thread, many from those who are entrusted to protect the freedoms that we have in Canadian society.  I find it particularly interesting when people assign political stripes to comments made in the media (in this case, that the author of the comments...