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  1. H

    The Threat of Modern Piracy- A Merged Thread

    Wowa, hey, I meant the essay I'm doing. I'm doing an essay on British Imperialism in 1900's. Good bye forum (y'know, cause I'm leaving now), hello essay (because I'm about to continue working on it). C'mon. There was no insult there. I even mentioned it a post earlier (see above quotation).
  2. H

    The Threat of Modern Piracy- A Merged Thread

    Okay. I just got destroyed. Well, I surrender my position.  :whiteflag: I didn't know that - about the aid ships being attacked. It just all seems random, y'know? Why use toxic waste as an excuse, of all things? Aye, what MARS said makes a lot of sense, though. *head explodes*  Good luck...
  3. H

    The Threat of Modern Piracy- A Merged Thread

    It's difficult to find sources that everyone would consider valid (if such a thing exists) with little more at my disposal then Google. Your points are valid, and importantly, make sense, but they lack the inclusion of humanity. I don't accept that these press releases are complete...
  4. H

    The Threat of Modern Piracy- A Merged Thread

    http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2010/ga10940.doc.htm Unfortunately, without a subscription, I cannot access the Economist's articles, so I couldn't look there for information. I had to resort to  :google: I'm not saying that the reasons behind piracy in Somalia are necessarily "green"...
  5. H

    The Threat of Modern Piracy- A Merged Thread

    Sorry, I should have put in some links. http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/261147 http://www.projectcensored.org/top-stories/articles/3-toxic-waste-behind-somali-pirates/ http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article22428.htm It's not so much environmental acvtivism as it is the...
  6. H

    The Threat of Modern Piracy- A Merged Thread

    Not everyone is simply engaging in piracy to "make a living." In Somalia, anyways, the pirates are the Coast Guard - not an official, or pure one, but a homeland defense system anyways. They're defending against both illegal fishing trawlers (which are coming in from other countries and...
  7. H

    Regular or Reserve

    Haha, yah, you never know!
  8. H

    Regular or Reserve

    Sorry, just realized how old this thing is. My mistake >_<
  9. H

    Regular or Reserve

    I don't know about what you've seen, but the guys I know who interrupt their schooling with a three-year contract (or even just a tour, though the two are often linked) - they never return to school. Especially if you go on tour. Pre-deployment and then being deployed, in all likely hood, in the...
  10. H

    Chest Rig vs Tac vest

    How is it not adequate? I find it perfectly suited to my needs; perhaps you're being too hard on it. Though, my question still stands - what is wrong with the TV Tac Vest?