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Search results

  1. C

    C3 Grounding

    I'm in Gagetown on my DP1 Mod 2 right now.We were 2 weeks into the course when the C3's were grounded. We had to switch to the LG1 which put us way behind. I got my posting message and I'm going to 1 horse on the 19th May. My question is, do they even use the LG1 in regiment? Am I going to be...
  2. C

    Houston - "Man arrested, accused of stolen valor"

    I was playing playstation 3 online the other day and was talking to a current member of 2 CDO...I thought they were disbanded after Somalia. But no...according to said game player that's just what the gov't WANTS us to think. I'm no expert (I start BMQ on saturday) but there are alot of people...
  3. C

    PAT in my hometown?

    Hello, I start bmq n borden on sept.5 until Dec.11. I ammarried with 2 kids and a house that I own. My wifes cousin is in week 4 of BMQ in St.Jean and he is also married with 3 kids. He called me the other day and said that if he will be stuck on PAT for more than a month or 2 the army will try...
  4. C

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    I'm not an expert but from what I understand 12 days on LWOP is 12 days extra you have to work befor you are elligible for your pension. But someone with more experience/knowledge please advise. sicksfish, you're the guy that started the facebook group for us right? I get sworn in 8 and a half...
  5. C

    FNG who's never deployed

    Hello all, I start bmq on september 5th, for field artillery. The army has always been my dream, but at 26 years old I am only now joining. I wanted to join when I was 18 but I had a drug problem and only a grade 8 education. I know it is a crappy excuse, and if I was more motivated I would have...
  6. C

    Combat arms rivalry

    Thank you all who replied. I believe I got the answer to my questions. I'm new here so you can all look forward to my annoying, stupid civilian questions till September. But don't worry I will google and exhaust all avenues for my questions before posting things. That seems to be a sore point...
  7. C

    Combat arms rivalry

    You're probably right.Thanks guys.   BARBARIAN
  8. C

    Combat arms rivalry

    Just curious because I'm hoping to get posted to shilo where my friend introduced me to his buddies (2PPCLI) and I got along great with them all. I was just a little worried that they wouldn't want to hang out with me when I am an artilleryman. My friend was killed in Afghanistan July 18 2008...
  9. C

    Combat arms rivalry

    I'm going to bmq in september for field artillery and was just wondering if there is alot of rivalry between the combat arms? Do infanteers and arty guys drink together or do they generally stick to there "own kind"? I ask because my friend was 2PPCLI and I met a lot of his friends and got along...