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  1. Precept

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    It will take 1-2 pay periods for your Cpl Pay to kick in (2-4 weeks). Your back pay will follow at the same time, or soon after.
  2. Precept

    MPs searching vehicles on base

    As part of the Defence Controlled Access Area Regulations, yes, everything inside that vehicle could be subject to a search. If you're trying to ENTER the controlled access area you can refuse a search, however you will be denied access and told to turn around. If you are LEAVING the...
  3. Precept

    Military police..training...what its like?

    You lose all seniority when you transfer to a civilian police agency, and a lot of the time (most) your training isn't recognized. You go to the bottom of the list with all the other new Patrol Constables within the service and have to work you way back up and earn any new specialized units or...
  4. Precept

    Canine units in or Contracted to Canadian Armed Forces

    They're being phased out. I'm pretty sure we're down to one dog now(In Esq.), and after he is retired, there will be no more.
  5. Precept

    Will i have time to continue training my Martial Arts?

    During BMQ, you have the opportunity to have weekends off after approximately week 7/8(as far as I remember). If you can find somewhere local or Montreal to do what you want, have at it. But keep in mind if you get injured, you just opened up a huge can of worms, and will be staying in St Jean...
  6. Precept

    CF MP Soft Body Armour New Requirements

    People always go right for the "externals cause the bad guys to shoot at the head" argument. I don't get it. In this day and age, everyone and their mother know police officers wear bullet resistant vests. I'll say this: 1) I have never worn an internal. 2) I like my External for the easy...
  7. Precept

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    Apply and see what happens, it's all you can do. Sounds like you're on the right track, so just keep doing what you're doing. I signed on the dotted like for Reg Force MP when I was younger than 20, so don't worry about that. It's just a number. Age means squat on the MPAC. Good luck.
  8. Precept

    My parents say no

    My parents were dead against it when I told them my plans too. They said "No". I didn't listen to them, and went about the process of joining on my own. Once they saw I was serious about it and going through with it, they began to come around. They didn't have much choice. I've been in for two...
  9. Precept

    Air Force Fleece in an Army unit.

    I got a call from supply a couple of months ago that a Fleece Sweater came in for me. Thinking it was a black one, I went over to pick it up. Turns out the Wing Commander authorized Army folks to wear the "AF Fleece" while on the Wing. I haven't taken it out of the bag and will probably never...
  10. Precept

    Denial of service

    The counseling sessions  were probably a result of anger/gambling/alcohol/severe depression issues, that were contributing factors to an applicant being found not suitable for a trade. I would find it hard to believe an applicant being denied for counseling sessions they had when they were a...
  11. Precept

    CFAT, Medical test, and Interview for RCAF.

    This ^. No one cares that you were in Cadets or can fly a glider. Neither have any bearing on your ability to serve in the CF. I recommend buying/borrowing some business attire so you look like a professional instead of like someone who's waiting for mom to pick them up from Band Practice...
  12. Precept

    Living in Borden.

    There are no more Reg Force BMQ's in Borden, they are all done at St-Jean now, as of this past winter. As someone waiting for your QL3's you will be living in shacks. Building A-152, if I remember correctly. One of the CFSATE guys can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe your rooms in shacks...
  13. Precept

    mpac results october 2012

    Some Recruiting Centers are slower than others at passing down info. Give them a call and ask about the result of Your MPAC. They will  probably say they were just about to call you.
  14. Precept

    Posting pics of MPO or MP grads

    Did they decided on a length yet? Last I heard was 6 weeks.  I Should get my 5's in the new building. Woot!
  15. Precept

    Posting pics of MPO or MP grads

    Just checked the Grad photos from my course, and the Air folks don't have half wings. I think we were the second course to get the red beret "early". However, looking at the most recent course to graduate, they have theirs.
  16. Precept

    Posting pics of MPO or MP grads

    There has been a recent change, in which graduates now wear their head dress with red identifier (Beret/Forage Cap/Wedge- until red was taken out) onto the Graduation Parade. The red beret is is given to the Graduate by the Cmdt on the night before Graduation at a Parade Practice.
  17. Precept

    The brown Temperate Combat Boot (AKA: Mk IV Cbt Boot) - No longer CADPAT

    There is a policy at CFMPA right now to wear issued boots while in CADPAT. I think this has kept students from purchasing proper boots until they graduate. I had a MWO in the branch mention that I will soon be wearing brown boots, as my element is Army. I certainly hope we can wear black with OPD.
  18. Precept

    Questions about MP vs MPO

    Do you want to be outside doing work  or inside doing paperwork and Logistics? Two very different jobs. Sure your courses may help you in the MPAC for life experience examples, but everyone is pretty much on a level playing field. If someone performs better on the CFAT and MPAC, they could...
  19. Precept

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Well, I refrained from commenting because I don't have a lot of info on the subject. However, I've been told over and over that the trade is full, so I would think the number of MPAC's in the future will be few and far between. As for the exact dates, I have no idea. I know when I called a...
  20. Precept

    A question..

    Well, I'll say this. I wouldn't want to be in your position. That kind of charge doesn't look good on an MP applicant, especially with the trade full.