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  1. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    Lare we have a FB group for all those people who are going to the April 11th BMQ you are welcome to join and get to know some of the people you will be spending 14 weeks with :D let me know and ill add you
  2. L

    BMQ frequency

    As of right now the only BMQ that i know of that is upcoming is on April 11th, the only reason i know this is because me and a few other guys on here are going. That DOES NOT mean that that will be the one they send you on, but im saying it could be a possibility so be prepared. I was getting my...
  3. L

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    *UPDATED* Recruiting Center: Halifax Regular/Reserves: Regular NCM/Officer: NCM SEP Trade Choice 1: NWT (Merit Listed) Trade Choice 2: NE Tech (R) (Merit Listed) Trade Choice 3: Application Date: December 2009 First Contact: February 2010 CFAT: Valid from RES app submitted in March '06...
  4. L

    Room and board while at BMQ

    yea i think i am going to go to the CFRC and find out more info on this cause it would be really nice if i didnt have to pay the R&Q. If i have to i will deal with it but if i dont then i would like to know i dont.
  5. L

    Room and board while at BMQ

    no unfourtunatly, thats the thing and only one of us could clain our child as a dependant on tax because we are not married or common-law
  6. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    fair enough.
  7. L

    Room and board while at BMQ

    We actually live in the basement apartment of her mothers house in which we do pay rent i don't know how they will look at it, although it would really suck to have to pay rent their, car payment, insurance, baby necessities, baby sitter, and then have to pay another $425 a month of lodgings there.
  8. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    lmao, wow that would really suck  :facepalm: just hope you get posted to a different ship
  9. L

    Room and board while at BMQ

    so i am just wondering, i know there is a $425 fee you have to pay if you are single and going to CFLRS. By the leagal letter of the law yes i am single, but technically im not i have a Girlfriend and a new baby that i will have to send money to take care of. Just wondering if anyone has any...
  10. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    lol, awww poor mcneil, hey you never know my dad could be the one to train you :D
  11. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    Lol, what a wuss  :P JK mcneil. Both my Father (27 years in (still in)) and my Grandfather (26 Years in (Deceased)) were/are MEM's so i have respect for what they do its not easy  :salute:
  12. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    Yea, 4 of us and seems like if we ever end up on the same ship that we will be working very close to one another, all of us are NE Tech or NWT lol
  13. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    really? what a small world
  14. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    the baby is my son, and well the stuffed bear....is well.....in fact a stuffed bear  ;D
  15. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    Brandon R. Lively.....anyone going on BMQ is welcome to add me  :nod:
  16. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    oh and mcneil i searched for the facebook group and couldnt find it
  17. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    Im pretty sure it said NWT but i cant say for sure, i was just excited to see Job offered lol
  18. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    Well, i didn't get "the Call" but i was in to CFRC today and they showed the the screen that said i have received a job offer. They said that it would be a couple of days before i got the actual call with all the details, then i will know for sure. My assumption though is that i will be going on...
  19. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    lol, good luck at the mega OBigD look forward to seeing you around sooner rather then later. Happy St. Patties  :st.patty:
  20. L

    BMQ - April 2011

    Yea, but most ducks quack when you squeeze them for answers  ;D these ones don't, unfortunately. Oh, well just keep watching the phone and hoping for the best i guess, im going into the CFRC today here in halifax to see if i can squeeze some ducks  ;D .....And sorry Stacked i thought he meant...