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    SAR Tech

    Sweer thanks

    SAR Tech

    when is the cut off date for applications? i know i missed it for the 2013 selection but i would like to know so i can have everything preped and ready to go for pre-course selection in 2014. thanks

    SAR Tech

    no thats not what i said. it had all trades listed in the CF. it stated what was open and what was closed. SAR Tech was closed. this is the reason for ny question.

    SAR Tech

    no it was a month or two ago i was sitting on duty and the CO's secretary came down and asked if i would post it up and i looked and there were not more then a hand full of trades that were open for OT's and everything else was closed including SAR Tech acording to the RO's

    SAR Tech

    i read it in the routine standing orders

    SAR Tech

    I have a question that needs an answer. I had an application in for upcoming selection till I got injured and pulled it and shortly after pulling my application I heard that the trade was closed and not accepting applications for next year. Could anyone shed some light on this because after just...

    SAR Tech

    well you got me super curious about all the changes.

    SAR Tech

    cause thats just what happens look at the infantry for example i know a few dudes in the camrons and the rifles that cant join us in shilo cause the we are over bourn even though we are really hurting for people.

    SAR Tech

    thats shitty cause we all know whats going to happen next the trade is going to be closed to everyone.
  10. II PPCLI

    SAR Tech

    look dude i can take criticism like a champ, I'm married and i have been in the infantry going on 11 years. but what gets me is how can you say anything to criticize me when you don't even know me or my physical and mental abilities. you don't have a clue, all you do is jump around this web site...
  11. II PPCLI

    SAR Tech

    Zoomie, Thanks that was a little more helpful then the previous post.  And yes your right I was talking about the civilian free fall course.  I did it here in Manitoba.  From the pics i have seen from past SAR courses it looks like the place some of the courses went to jump.
  12. II PPCLI

    SAR Tech

    Any one in here that is already a SAR TECH, could you give me a bit of info and/or some stuff that would help me prep better for selection. As of right now i have got myself qualified scuba diving, I'm free fall qualified, I'm working out and running 10km a day, I'm reading an anatomy and...
  13. II PPCLI

    SAR Tech

    Sweet that's what i needed to hear, and you say you left here 5 year ago, I only know of one person that left for SAR TECH from the battalion 5 years ago.  Now you have me extremely curious as to whom you may be.
  14. II PPCLI

    SAR Tech

    Hey, I just want to start by saying I have a COTP in right now for SAR TECH the only thing I have left to do is the pt test and my file is complete.  The reason I'm here is in the last few weeks the negativity that has been thrown my way about making selection is starting to drive me crazy, is...