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Search results

  1. S

    Can someone confirm number of Pilot openings?

    I just called CFRC about my file, and yes as of March 21 2011 they are only hiring for skilled individuals that had previous service or trained by the CF, I also applied for that trade but never got to the point of taking the CFAT , etc.... same with the other trades (AEC and ACSO) :)
  2. S

    Recruiting Process of naturalized Canadian

    I am also a naturalized canadian, applied Feb 2011 and just patiently waiting.... :) Just wondering if barbarossa ever made it to the CF???
  3. S

    Hopefully Getting A Call

    I will join the bandwagon too, crossing my fingers that I will be a phone call this week...
  4. S

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I got a call from CFRC last March 2011 saying that my occupational choices were oversubscribe, my original choices was 1. MPO 2. INT Officer so I decided to go with my current list, still here anxiuosly  waiting  :) Recruting Center: Edmonton, AB Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer...
  5. S

    Level of Clearance

    Just a question,What level of Clearance is required for; AEC Pilot ACSO
  6. S

    Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

    Just out of curiosity ie; if you enter as a DEO 2nd Lt. and max out on your 6th year will you be then promoted to Lt.? and continue on the 7th year pay as a Lt.? or you're going back to basic pay for Lt.?
  7. S

    When will the CF be hiring again?

    Sorry my bad.... just being impatient :)
  8. S

    When will the CF be hiring again?

    Hi i'm new to this forum not sure if this is the correct thread that I should be posting but anyhow I know the fiscal year starts this April 1 and I originally submitted my application last February 2011 the occupation that I chose was MPO and INT Officer but the CFRC said those occupations are...