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Search results

  1. R

    BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

    Hi everyone. Bad news here..I'm due to start basic the 25th and have sprained my wrist fairly bad. I am about 75% sure that it isn't broken but not all sure. I swore in the other week and am wondering what my next step should be and if I will lose my job from this? I am hoping I will only he...
  2. R

    MP Soldier Qualification

    Do MP's do SQ? OR upon completion of BMQ do they go straight to their QL3 at Borden. Also if they DO take part in SQ, would it only be for the Army element of the trade? Thanks.
  3. R

    Toiletries at Basic

    Great! Thanks everyone.
  4. R

    Toiletries at Basic

    I know I will get a response saying, use the search engine and what not, but belive me I have and the only advice on this I read was dated back to 2006. Being as it is 2011, much could have changed. I have a little bit of problem skin, and use non-prescription acne products such as face wash...
  5. R

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    Hey there, I brought this question up in a previous thread, and got one answer. I was hoping to get a clear answer for someone who knows this. I have a forearm tattoo which is acceptable with the CF tattoo policy. Do MP's have a higher standard for the Tattoo policy? Also, wearing a short...
  6. R

    Is this a for sure thing?

    Hey everyone. So a week or so ago, I was told that I swear in April 12 and to report to St. Jean on April 23rd. Being the pessimist I sometimes am, and based on past experiences, I am just wondering, how guaranteed is this for me? I keep worrying that something will change. such as them saying...
  7. R

    MP Private to CPL

    Hey everyone. Just wondering, once I graduate from basic as an MP am I considered a Corporal even though I have yet to complete QL3? and if so would i receive corporal level pay at that point? This whole process is really confusing to me. Thanks.
  8. R

    Tattoo after Interview.

    Hi everyone. My first interview/medical was done around 6 months ago. A few days ago I received a call with an offer and a swear in date of April 12 with a BMQ of April 23. In between that time around 2 months ago I got a tattoo done on the upper inside of my forearm. It is not that big...