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  1. Philippe.Boisseau

    DUI - Effects on Joining?

    Talked with the RC ealier today. So basically they're putting my admission file on hold until I am done with the legal process. So when I am done with this in early september they want me to get back to them with the court papers and verdict. Then they can proceed to next step with my file. I...
  2. Philippe.Boisseau

    DUI - Effects on Joining?

    Just did, thanks for the tips. Looking for more info if anyone has any. Going to call the RC soon.
  3. Philippe.Boisseau

    DUI - Effects on Joining?

    Hello, I applied for RMC a few months ago and did all the tests I had to do and was recently merit listed. I called this morning to make sure they received my latest report card from school and they told me they did. What my recruiter also told me is that before further actions were taken...
  4. Philippe.Boisseau

    Hopefully Getting A Call

    Lucky you  :threat: I will post here as soon as I get my call. If i ever do haha  ;D
  5. Philippe.Boisseau

    Hopefully Getting A Call

    Let's hope for it.
  6. Philippe.Boisseau

    Level of Clearance

    I don't get it lol
  7. Philippe.Boisseau

    Hopefully Getting A Call

    On friday. That would be April 1st 2011, they told me to expect a call WITHIN the next 2 weeks. Could be faster i guess!
  8. Philippe.Boisseau

    Hopefully Getting A Call

    Pretty much in the same position here, except i am applying for : - Transmission Officer - Construction Engineering - Aerospatial Controler I've been told these trades didn't get much applications as of now. Also, I should be expecting a call in the next 2 weeks. Got my fingers crossed!
  9. Philippe.Boisseau

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruting Center: Montreal, Qc Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer Trade Choice 1: Transmission Trade Choice 2: Construction Engineering Trade Choice 3: x Application Date: March 15th, 2011 First Contact: March 15th, 2011 Aptitude completed : March 18th, 2011 Medical Completed: March...