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  1. Ridge Runner

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    My Mom still lives in New Jersey, about 25 minutes to Penn Station by train, and I grew up there, in fact went to the same high school as Jason Alexander went to. NYC was always a challenge to go in, and we only went in when company came to see the usual sights. My late Father worked there, as...
  2. Ridge Runner

    The Womanly Thread - Thank you Tommy ;)

    Supermarket items, but you got to look around. I had to go to three places to find these. Paid $1.33 for a whole pack of them.
  3. Ridge Runner

    Radical group may disrupt Prince William's visit

    I am sure many people will travel miles upon miles to get a glimpse of this new couple , so I can see how that will generate money for gas, food, and lodging along the way.
  4. Ridge Runner

    The Womanly Thread - Thank you Tommy ;)

    Doing up a treat tonight - lots of chicken gizzards, very tasty, All with shake n bake in the oven. Add a bit of sweet chili sauce, cold beer for the boys and we're set for a good night
  5. Ridge Runner

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    I wanted to add this tee shirt which I like. This is on the back, the front has a neat  and tidy 'Patriot' symbol from Bill O'Reilly's website if anyone is interested.
  6. Ridge Runner

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    I was quite relieved when the news came through that he was indeed killed and dead, however I was not jumping up and down and throwing a big party.  I just quietly remembered 9-11, where I was and my family were, and the sacrifice of many all to get where we are now. I noticed a huge billboard...
  7. Ridge Runner

    Radical group may disrupt Prince William's visit

    Hi, here's one for you to laugh at...  http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/federalbudgetprocess/a/How-Much-Shrimp-Treadmill-Study-Cost-Taxpayers.htm Actually it's nothing to laugh about, just more of our precious tax dollars being used what many (including myself) consider sheer stupidity. Anyways...
  8. Ridge Runner

    Radical group may disrupt Prince William's visit

    Considering Obama is either on the golf course pretty much most weekends recently, as our country sinks more into debt, I am surprised the Italian was not charged for his danish treat (smiles).
  9. Ridge Runner

    Radical group may disrupt Prince William's visit

    I suppose it does, Obama shafting us again....... Seems lately we've been paying for all sorts of things when we don't have the money. Thanks to all for enlightening me on the who pays topic.
  10. Ridge Runner

    Radical group may disrupt Prince William's visit

    Thank-you for the information. You would think that the English government would at least contribute somewhat, considering they're coming for a official visit, but nothing at all to me demonstrates a bit of arrogance maybe?
  11. Ridge Runner

    Your Beer Brand of Choice

    Coor's Light
  12. Ridge Runner

    Radical group may disrupt Prince William's visit

    Hi, The Royal visit to your country is big news here in the US. Fox news, ET and even the ABC news tonight had it covered, but noting about this radical group. They did say security is going to be intense, and your Mounties have that covered, even interviewed one on a horse. I wonder who...