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Search results

  1. S

    No credit

    I'm not stating you need a credit card or credit rating to join the CF. I'm saying get a credit card as soon as possible simply to get a better credit rating in general. Whether you want to join or not. Although a credit rating isn't everything it sure as heck doesn't hurt!
  2. S

    No credit

    It's actually a common misconception that cell phones or household utilities affect your credit. The only way they can affect your credit is if the cell phone company or utility company sells your debt to a collections agency. This is very rare as most cell providers have an internal collections...
  3. S

    Time to apply?

    Tried a search, but nothing fit my question exactly. My situation is such: I have two courses left in university, they both start this September and end this December (2011). Although I'll have completed my degree in December I don't get my degree in hand until spring (May 2012.) I'll be doing...