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  1. T

    Need Some Help...

    Unfortunately, I'm very serious. There was a slide that said all of those things. First, he asked who found this course challenging (alot of people put up their hands). He then said, don't worry, if your log, this is the hardest physical thing you will do. Then a slide came up, saying that they...
  2. T

    Need Some Help...

    Oh, I'm sorry if it came off this way, I definitly didn't mean any disrespect to the trade. The general assumption came during the brief given at the Gagetown theater, where it was emphasized that Log-O's in training have maid service, and do very few physical tasks. This was a Log Lt giving...
  3. T

    Need Some Help...

    Hey Everyone, I'm new to the board, and I thought I'd get a topic up to get some advice. First off, i'll give some details about myself. I'm 19 years old, been in the ROTP program since highschool. I recently finished my CAP course in Gagetown, and am selected to be an Artillery Officer. Here's...