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  1. E

    Benefits Cut...

    This is nothing new, I watched the same thing happen throughout my career and it always will.  We always had a saying for it "The Army is like an oil filter... the good stuff flows on the though, but the shit stays forever".  Sorry, but get used to it.
  2. E

    Benefits Cut...

    Please tell me you don't seriously believe this. Corporations come in all shapes and sizes and employ a hell of a lot of Canadians.  Increasing taxes for large corporations provides them with an incentive to move jobs to jurisdictions with lower taxes.  Increasing taxes for small corporations...
  3. E

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    Yes, i'm very much in favour of Canada being an energy superpower.  I'd just like us to take some of that oil revenue and put it into research to find that next big thing.  Why should we limit ourselves to oil?  We have the financial and intellectual means to do so much more.  Solar may have...
  4. E

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    That is exactly my point.  We are tied to fossil fuels, have no viable alternatives and that resource is in decline.  Yes, we do find more of it, but the planet isnt making more of it, therefore it can only be in decline.  It's a mathematical certainty that most of us choose to ignore because...
  5. E

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    " North America as a whole has the potential to be a major exporter of fossil fuels for decades and even generations to come."  An interesting line to include in an article overflowing with confidence. Yes, we really should just stick to business as usual and burn that stuff up as fast as we can...
  6. E

    White Supremacist Infiltration of Canadian Forces?

    Having served in a number of regiments in 3 different brigades, my time with the Airborne was certainly the highlight of my career.  Best training, best soldiers, best leadership.  An elite unit in every respect.  A lot of crap was leaked to the press that really could have and likely did...
  7. E

    Perception of a quitter

    Maybe it doesn't pose a problem.  More a question for a recruiter, but when I was RSS with a militia unit, it seemed we some who were very dedicated and some who were there for a good time and absent when the time wasn't expected to be as fun.  If it were my call, which it never was, i'd pick...
  8. E

    Perception of a quitter

    You can apply to become a recruit and with some effort, you can make it to Private.  With greater effort and a couple of years experience you may make it to Corporal. Yes, a 4c release does look bad.  You need to discuss this with your recruiter to get a current and accurate opinion on that. ...
  9. E

    White Supremacist Infiltration of Canadian Forces?

    Most offensive picture ive seen in a very long time.  May he rot in hell.
  10. E

    White Supremacist Infiltration of Canadian Forces?

    I can't be the only one here who stood on that parade square in 1995 waiting for a jackass MND who lacked the balls to address us, so I know I can't be alone is saying that the army lost a lot more than an outstanding regiment that day.  The fault, as always, lies not with any "critical mass". ...
  11. E

    Perception of a quitter

    Apply to be a corporal???  Have they ditched the whole training/experience/suitability thing since I retired? 
  12. E

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    Yes, we have tons of unconventional fossil fuels, but our need to exploit these type of resources speaks loudly to the fact that fossil fuels are finite in nature.  The question isnt whether or not we will ever reach a point where fossil fuels become so rare that they are no longer economical...
  13. E

    U.S. 2012 Election

    No, not trolling.  Outside of the US, i'd imagine it to be the prevailing view in 1st world countries.  Certainly it is the way most see things around here  :cdn:
  14. E

    U.S. 2012 Election

    Health care isn't a fundamental right?  I find it hard to understand how it is possible for a person living in a first world country and having citizenship in that country could find themselves in a position where a simple procedure such as  repairing a few broken bones from a car crash or...
  15. E

    Messed up rapper.

    If we are to jail every rapper that says something stupid, hateful, offensive, childish, racist or otherwise in bad taste then I guess we need to start building more prisons. Musicians in general and rappers in particular are not strangers to creating controversy in order to get their name out. ...
  16. E

    Alberta job agency turns to U.S. veterans to fill vacancies

    Yes, I remember that well.  Now here I am making more than either my accountant or lawyer as a journeyman.
  17. E

    Messed up rapper.

    Is it really hate?  How about a movie like "American History X", a video game where you can beat up hookers or a cartoon like Southpark.  Poor taste, but hardly something that would fall under hate crimes as some of Ernst Zundel's writings would.  Its a 'song' that most would find offensive...
  18. E

    U.S. 2012 Election

    Every argument to support the democrats in here in based on how evil Romney is. Every argument to support the republicans in here is based on how horrible a job Obama has done. This is what US politics is reduced to.  God help us all.
  19. E

    Messed up rapper.

    So some Canadian received an arts grant, as some artists do, and created something that some find offensive.  Is this really news?  I don't see his 'work' as art, but that hardly means that it isn't.  Art comes in all shapes, sizes and flavours.  Some you'll like, some you'll hate but...