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  1. joljenni

    How long is Medical Test

    The recruiters work there too and know all about parking. I'm from Hamilton and before the interview started the Recruiting Officer conducting my interview asked if I had enough change in the meter, if I needed to go to the bathroom, or get a glass of water. They are human too and they do...
  2. joljenni

    August 6th 2012 BMQ

    Haha don't worry, my PT is scheduled in for today. I'm sorry if I've irritated you or come off in a bad way. That wasn't my intent at all. I'm just excited and wanted to talk to others who are attending. Noone in my family ever had or has any experience or knowledge of the forces at all or what...
  3. joljenni

    August 6th 2012 BMQ

    I know it's not rocket science don't worry. :P You have to realize part of this is from sheer excitement to do it all, impatience of not having my list yet and a want for it all to be here already! That's all. I'm not genuinely worried over my clothes and items, I'm just really excited and...
  4. joljenni

    August 6th 2012 BMQ

    My thoughts exactly! I'm bringing next to nothing- an iron, two changes of clothes, a blouse, runners and gym clothes, an iron, hygeine kit, a watch/alarm clock and that's it! I don't have my list of what to bring yet and I'm working full time so I don't know how much time I'll have after my...
  5. joljenni

    August 6th 2012 BMQ

    That's awesome! I look forward to seeing all of you there and putting names to faces! :P I'm getting impatient! Artillery trade isn't open until November and I was accepted early. They called to apologize for the lacking of concrete answers for me. I don't know when my swearing in ceremony is or...
  6. joljenni

    August 6th 2012 BMQ

    Thank-you so much! And congratulations to you too! I am so stoked! I've wanted this for 6 years but being a female it took my mom some adjusting to my decision and I wanted her blessing before I applied. After that it only took two and a half months from applying to where I am today! Awesome...
  7. joljenni

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Haha that's quite alright! I'll be one of the few females in the group of men/boys so I guess we're both minorities! :P
  8. joljenni

    August 6th 2012 BMQ

    Hi everyone! I recently got my call for my BMQ! I leave August 4th for the August 6th BMQ. I was wondering if anyone else is attending that start date and how their process is going? I am going for Artillery Soldier! I'm currently trying to figure out what all to pack and it would be awesome to...
  9. joljenni

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I'm attending the same BMQ as you August 6th! I fly out August 4th! I'm going to become an Artillery Soldier. Happy to see someone else attending August 6th! :) I'm so excited, I'm still figuring out what all to pack. I want my duffel bag to be as light as possible. See you there! :)
  10. joljenni

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I got the call today! I leave August 4th! Sent my application papers April 23rd! Mine moved along quite quickly! Artillery Soldier regular force here I come! :D
  11. joljenni

    Need urgent help

    I concur with PrettyMaggie63. Mine said I was scheduled for the day after I applied but it actually means nothing. I received a call from the recruiting centre nine days after I applied for all my testing to be actually scheduled and my process is moving along smoothly. You have no worries.  :)
  12. joljenni

    Recruiting tests

    It was great! I just got home actually! It took 4 hours to do everything! There was a group of 7 of us who took the aptitude test first. We sat around after while they took us one by one to schedule other appointments or to do their interview. I was the last called so I was a little worried...
  13. joljenni

    Recruiting tests

    Hey everyone! It's here! My medical, aptitude and Interview are all tomorrow! Any last minute advice would be appreciated! :)
  14. joljenni

    Weight limits

    Thank-you! And Haha yes 60 push ups. I started doing them in grade 11, that was over 5 years ago. I would hope that after 5 years one would be up to 60 by now! Yes I know it is shocking to anyone who hasn't met me before. I am used to this reaction and it is ALWAYS followed by....prove it! I...
  15. joljenni

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Thank-you! I am very excited! I think I'm psyching myself out actually! I've wanted this for years and now that its finally happening I'm worried I'll completely bomb all the tests, even though I was an honours student. :P Oh well, they say a little bit of nerves keeps you on your toes, let's...
  16. joljenni

    Weight limits

    Haha yes sir! Grade 11 I made a commitment to lose 100 lbs. So me being the competitive go getter I am, I lost 101. Everyday I run for an hour and 20 min, weight lift, do half an hour of yoga, and kick boxing twice a week. I do 60 push ups and sit ups every night before bed. I'm going to try...
  17. joljenni

    Weight limits

    Ok, perfect! Thank-you everyone. :) My blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol are all perfect. And yes I agree going for exempt is best. I do 60 push ups and sit ups every night before bed so I'm not too concerned. When people look or ask my weight they're always surprised at how high the...
  18. joljenni

    Weight limits

    Hi everyone, I just have a quick question about weight requirements or limits. I am a woman and yes I weigh more then the average woman my size. I am 5'6" and weigh 165 lbs. I run everyday, can do all the requirements to qualify and believe it or not am the healthiest person I know. Every...
  19. joljenni

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Regular/Reserve: Regular Recruiting center: applied online, application transferred to the Hamilton Recruiting Center Trade 1: Artillery soldier Trade 2: Infantry soldier Trade 3: N/A Date applied: April 23rd, 2012 Date contacted: May 2nd, 2012 Aptitude, Medical and Interview: May 24th, 2012 I...