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  1. K

    Reservists + Work

    No, no.  I've been working hard for 2 years to get into the forces... I'm not giving it up.  I will be continuing with my basic training in 2 weeks regardless if this job wants to flex :)  I'd like to make it a career! ;)
  2. K

    Reservists + Work

    Well, talked to the store owner and explained it all to him.  Looks like they won't be able to flex for my schedule so... boo-urns.  Thanks for all the help guys! Cheers
  3. K

    Reservists + Work

    Thanks Bridges and Blue.  I will see if I can get a hold of an HR rep. this week.  Conveniently, everyone seems on vacation right now.  :facepalm:
  4. K

    Reservists + Work

    Hey thanks, thats a great idea.  I will try and do that this week!  Thanks very much everyone.
  5. K

    Reservists + Work

    Appreciate the opinions.  Think I'll just have to bite the bullet if they decide to fire me :P Cheers
  6. K

    Reservists + Work

    Eagle, thanks for the reply.  I figured as much, although she did know that I was getting hired into the Reserves and I said I would eventually have to change my availability.  Guess I will have to play it out and see if I need to start pounding the pavement again.  Thanks.
  7. K

    Reservists + Work

    Thanks Jrst!
  8. K

    Reservists + Work

    Hello, I am currently working part-time and have just given my notice to my employer that I need some days off to do my Reservist Basic Training (told her as soon as I had information on dates).  She has been giving me a hard time about changing my availability and saying she just can't give me...
  9. K

    Medal of Honor: Warfighter

    I'm a big fan of the MOH series... especially the original few like BreakThrough.  The last game they brought out had a decent solo-campaign but never really got the chance to play the online portion of it.  Really looking forward to seeing how they bring this new game together... and a nice...
  10. K

    Kit/Uniform Res.

    Thanks muchly, Blue :)
  11. K

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Ottawa Regular/Reserve: Reserve Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Sup Tech Trade Choice 2: Veh Tech Trade Choice 3: X Application Date: Jan. 2011 First Contact: Apr. 2011 Aptitude Test: Apr. 2011 Interview: Jun. 2011 Medical: Aug. 2011 Merit Listed: X Position Offered: Sup Tech...
  12. K

    Kit/Uniform Res.

    Good morning: I just received my kit and uniform yesterday for the Reserves.  My basic won't be starting until the fall.  I have just a quick question concerning the 'beret' and the badge.  I didn't receive one during my kit pick up and was wondering if that will be given to me before basic or...