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  1. O

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I am still waiting for some clear info from my CFRC, I have already posted this link earlier but for those going to RMC St-Jean like me, I think this can be useful until we get the actual papers! http://www.cmrsj-rmcsj.forces.gc.ca/fe-fs/ir-ji/ire-jic-eng.asp Enjoy! Looking forward meeting...
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    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    at CFRC Montreal I was told that we are supposed to get sworn in on July 25, but I find it hard to believe cause according to the RMC St-Jean joining instructions we have to report there on the 26th or 27th before 14:00. I guess we are gonna get the info once all the selection rounds are over.
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    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    As anyone received joining instructions yet? I know there are some on RMC St-Jean's page but did anyone receive some papers by mail or even maybe email? Here is the link with RMC St-Jean Joining instructions http://www.cmrsj-rmcsj.forces.gc.ca/fe-fs/ir-ji/ire-jic-eng.asp
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    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    So after 3 tries (yes it took me 3years), I finally got in! Gonna be at RMC St-Jean INFANTRY OFFICIER! I applied at CFRC Montreal Looking forward serving with you guys! For those who are still waiting keep hope and keep trying, do not give up on your dreams!
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    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Hi there! Does anyone know when is the 1st round of selections for RMC and RMC St-Jean?
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    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  7. O

    Changing the Tac Vest?

    Awesome guys! thanks!!!
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    Changing the Tac Vest?

    I have seen on the army news a while back that they were looking to change the tactical vest for Modular ones, I have even seen a few of my friends wear them during their tour in afghanistan, but on the recent videos and pictures of RIMPAC, we see the soldiers with the old tactical vest... The...
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    Infantry re-opening?

    Well I really made sure and asked the recruiter several times, and if you dont meet these criteria they do not let you apply, but at the same time I always get a different answer to my questions when I call/visit CFRC Montreal! :-\
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    Infantry re-opening?

    I called the recruiting centre and to join it's competitive recruiting, so at CFRC Montreal you need to have finished your Cegep (i think it's the equivalent of 1 year of college completed) and have worked full time for 5 years at the same company, the fitness and volunteer part I find is just...
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    Infantry re-opening?

    Thanks guys!
  12. O

    Infantry re-opening?

    Hi!, Im wondering if anyone would know if Infantry for Regular Force NCM would re-open in within the next 2 years? Thanks! - mod edit for thread title spelling -
  13. O

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Hi, Im just wondering if anyone would know if there would still be places in the top up for this year? I applied to be an Infantry Officer at CFRC Montreal, I saw the the trade is still open for next years, could it mean that none or just very few infantry officer cadets got in this year? Thanks!